The truth about the past

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The four boys sat anxiously glancing at the classroom door as they ignored the glances and the whispers from the other students. The boys wished Professor Mcgonagall was present for her class to hush the whispers but she too had last been seen with Juliet.

The rest of the classroom around the school were extremely similar. Students couldnt believe the news. Was there a death eater right under their noses?

What what they didnt know was that there was many here tight under Hogwarts roof.

The only loud part of the castle was far up out the way in the headmasters office as the angry scary man slammed his hands down on the desk once again before sneering at the young girl.

"Answer me!" He ordered as he screamed in her face.

"I've already told you-" juliet tried but was cut off by an angry grunt from the man as he drew his wand.

"Are you a death eater?!" Asked moody once again as the older woman looked to the older man.

"Albus." Mcgonagall tried feeling sorry for the young Gryffindor.

Albus waved his hand up dismissing the wand allowing the auror to carry on.

"Show me the mark." Sneered moody causing Juliet to shake her head desperately.

"I told you I dont have it! I'm not one of them!" Juliet plead again trying to prove her innocence to the man that wasnt listening.

"You expect me to believe your pureblooded parents are but you arent!" Snapped moody aggressive on the girls face causing her to lean back.

"I've not lived there for months now. Ask Mcgonagall." Juliet stated as she looked to her head of house for help.

But moody never looked away. His glass eye dancing around Juliets face trying to add pressure as he sneered down at her.

"Its true." Mcgonagall stated firmly in hopes that the angry terrifying man would leave the poor girl alone.

"I'll ask once more. Trust me you'll want to tell me the truth kid!" Threatened moody as he played with his wand with an evil smirk causing Juliet to swallow hard as her hands began to shake.

She knew the stories. How the auror Alastor Moody often tortured the truth from criminal. That's why he had put more people in azkaban then any other auror.

"Albus, this need to be stopped." Mcgonagall tried once again to intervene as she stepped forward.

"Its alright Minerva. It is just routine." Dumbledore brushed it off as the auror raised his wand.

"Are you a death eater? Yes or no?!" Sneered moody through his teeth in anger

There was a moment of silence in the office for a second as Juliet swallowed. She knew the spell he'd use. She had it used on her multiple times at home. She gripped the arms of the seat that the auror had fastened them to as she looked him dead in the eyes.

"No." Juliet states as she tried to brave herself for seering pain that was soon to come.

"Cruc-" Moody began as he raised his wand higher.

"Expelliamus." Mcgonagall had drew her wand in seconds knowing the girls past taking the aurors wand surprising both Dumbledore and moody.

"Enough! I will not have you use such curses." Mcgonagall stated firmly as she handed the auror his wand back before making her way to the brunette.

Juliets jaw hung low shocked that the Hogwarts professor had the courage to take on someone as terrifying as Alastor moody.

"I will not stand for this sort of unruly behaviour used on my students." Mcgonagall carried on as she waved her wand letting Juliet free from the chair.

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