This is going to be a fun year

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The scarred boy stood frozen as he looked at the four animals. It seemed to look like the stag and the black dog were smirking. The brown dog trotted over to the boy and sat down infront of him.

"You're animagi?" Remus asked still getting over the shock.

Everyone knew that animagus training was extremely difficult and many people struggled with getting it right. They learnt about it in defence against the dark arts and had it coming up again in transfiguration.

Yet here was a band of 15 year olds that had managed to become animagi without the help of any professor. The scarred boy couldnt help but be impressed and annoyed with them.

The brown dog barked as its tail began to wag happily as it jumped up knocking Remus to the floor.

"Juliet?" Remus asked immediately knowing this was the girl.

The dog barked happily as the larger black dog trotted over followed by the large stag. But that was one three. Remus began looking around until he jumped at the sight of the rat. There was the fourth.

"Can you guys turn back?" He asked as he looked over all of them.

Immediately they stepped away from the boy who was standing up focusing until four teens stood there.

"So Remy, what do you think?" Juliet asked with a proud smile expecting the boy to be happy.

"What was you thinking? Do you even know how dangerous training to be animagi are?" The scarred boy immediately started to scold the group causing the four teens to look down.

They had not wanted to upset the boy. They had only become animagi in order to help the boy during his furry little problem.

"You could of got stuck permanently. You're all so irresponsible. You could go to Azkaban if anyone found out. This is ridiculous." Remus started to pace during his telling off causing the teens to watch the stressed boy finally come to a stop.

"Why would you do this?" Asked the boy confused.

"For you." Peter squeaked causing guilt to immediately fill remus.

They had done it for him and he had just scolded them for doing it.

"But why?" Remus asked quietly causing them to look at him.

"Because we're your friends, Remus. We see the scars you come back with after your furry little problem." James stated as he ran a hand through his mess hair.

"We didnt want you to keep hurting yourself. It wasnt safe for us to help you in human forms so Juliet figured animals would work." Sirius explained as he glanced his grey eyes to the brunette girl who looked ashamed of herself.

Remus' heart ached for the girl. She had done nothing but made him feel welcome from the minute she figured it out. The girl had immediately went on a ramble about how cool werewolves and that she wasnt afraid of them.

She often reminded the boy how wonderful he and his condition was. Especially when he was feeling down.

"Jul?" Remus asked slightly worried he had upset the girl who finally looked up at his eyes.

Her blue ones filled with so many emotions he couldnt read them.

"I wanted to help. I couldnt keep watching the pain you was in." The girl finally spoke causing the other boys to look at her too.

"I did my research. I knew the risks. Werewolves cant turn an animagus in their animal form. That why I thought it was good idea." Juliet added as she watched remus.

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