The unbreakable vow

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"You okay?" Juliet croaked out due to the dryness of her throat.

Remus reached for a glass of water bring it to her lips allowing her to drink which she was thankful for.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Asked Juliet again causing Remus to gawp at her.

"Am I okay? Am I okay?!" He asked annoyed causing Juliet to nod confused.

"I attacked you! It should be me asking you that. I'm so sorry. I-I didnt mean too." Remus apologised quickly causing the girl to smile and rub his hand.

"Its okay. Look, I'm okay. Still fighting for another day." Joked juliet trying to cheer the scarred boy up.

"I'm a monster." Remus muttered to himself but the girl heard shaking her head.

"Moony." Juliet said as she took his hand.

"You're not-" juliet began but was cut off by Remus.

"How can you say I'm not? I attacked you. I could of killed you." Remus cried causing Juliet to whince as she attempted to sit up.

Remus helped the girl sit up placing a pillow behind her back to make her more comfortable.

"Remus, not all monsters do monstrous things." Juliet explained with a heart warming smile causing all the guilt and sadness to seep away from Remus for a second.

"Sirius he-" remus begun causing Juliet to shake her head.

"I know. Where is he?" She asked as she looked around the empty hospital wing.

"I dont know. I'm kinda of not talking to him. I kinda of broke his nose." Remus said awkwardly causing Juliet to nod with a small smile.

"He probably deserved it." Juliet smiled causing Remus to smile and shake his head.

"Why did he do it?" Asked Juliet curiously.

"I dont know." Remus sighed as he looked at his feet.

"You didnt let him explain himself?" Juliet asked shocked.

Remus was also the understanding one out of the group. Always wanting to hear everyones sides to the story before judging.

"I was too angry. He could of got you killed. Snape knows my secret." Remus defended himself causing Juliet to sigh.

"But you dont know why he did it. You cant end a friendship like that." Juliet spoke juliet causing Remus to open his mouth but Juliet cut in again.

"Look, I'm not saying you have to forgive him. But at least hear him out." Juliet offered causing Remus to sigh.

"Okay. But first lets see when you can leave." Remus suggested before leaving for madam Pomfrys office.


"Oh my goodness. Jul, you okay?" Lily rushed to the girls side once her and Remus had entered the loud common room.

Many whispers began to swirl around the school about why certain members of the marauders ended up in the hospital and why none of them was speaking to Sirius.

"Yeah. Just a minor injury." Juliet shrugged as james brought the girl into a tight hug but let her go when she whince in pain.

"Sorry." James smiled bashfully causing the red haired girl to smile at how caring the boy was to his friends.

"Wheres padfoot?" Asked Juliet curiously as her eyes scanned the busy common room for the boy but he was no where to be seen.

"I think hes in the dorm." Peter stated as he nodded to the stairs.

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