Two brothers

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After, the two teens returned to their dorms to sleep. However, one still laid wide awake pondering staring at the ceiling.

Sirius couldnt help but think about his brother. He hadn't had a proper conversation with Regulus since he was disowned which was now over a year ago.

Of course, sirius was worried about his younger brother. Especially, after juliet explained her terrors of Wittle manor on Christmas. How Regulus was there, how he was chosen to kill the muggles.

Sirius knew juliet wouldnt of let anyone hurt Regulus. But now, he was all alone in the dark dingy halls of grimmualds place trapped by their parents with their pureblood mania.

Regulus wouldnt kill someone. Would he? Regulus was always the opposite of Sirius. Sirius would choose a harder life where he rebelled and stood up for what he thought was right even if it was wrong. While Regulus remained in the shadow of his family being poisoned by their beliefs. It was easier for him to just live with it.

Sirius wanted to speak to Regulus. He wanted them to be close like they were when they were children. But that was the problem, they werent children anymore. They had grown up and apart.

Sirius wouldnt even know what to talk about with his brother anymore. He knew his brother loved hearing stories, he loved learning about the stars and much more. But Sirius could only fear that the once innocent little boy that use to hide behind Sirius covering his ears as their parents screamed at him was no longer in there.

He listened to what Juliet had to say. Her words playing in his head over and over again.

"Just because you left your home and family doesnt mean you have to leave Regulus. What your parents dont know wont kill them."

She was right. Sirius needed to mend the broken bond between him and Regulus in order to save Regulus from the wrong side of war. He needed to talk to him.


The dark haired boy wrapped his green robes around him as he sat in the cold courtyard. He had chose to escape the clutches of the older slytherins in the common room spitting insults and dark conversations about the marauders.

Regulus pulled out a black leather diary pulling open the first page to look at the photos he stuck on the inside. Him and Sirius stood next to each other on sirius' first day of hogwarts.

"Reg!" Called a loud voice from behind him.

Regulus froze for a second. The only people to call him that name was Juliet and his dear brother. And that was certainly not a females voice.

Regulus turned his head slowly to see a taller, older version of himself strutting towards him. Regulus whirled back around shocked before shoving everything back into his bag in hopes of making an escape.

"Reg wait!" Called Sirius again hopefully but his younger brother began to walk away with his head down.

Sirius knew this wasnt going to be easy because of how they left it at grimmualds place. Regulus knew this conversation would happen but he knew it was going to hurt.

"Reg!" Sirius called again jogging to catch up with his brother.

"Leave me alone, sirius." Sneered Regulus in hopes sirius would give up but he knew what his brother was like.

"No. Wait." Sirius stated as he grabbed the boys arm gently tugging him to a stop.

"Look I just want to talk." Sirius tried to get through to his brother but Regulus pulled his arm away from Sirius.

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