The Astronomy Tower

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Potions was unusually quiet as the brunette girl sat next to the dark haired boy that usually sat with James.

Neither had really said anything since Sirius decided to go after the Slytherin boy for passing a note to the brunette girl.

"You gonna ignore me now?" Whispered Sirius annoyed by the girls behaviour.

All he wanted was to talk to her about everything. To try to wrap his head around these unusual feelings he has for his best friend.

"I'm not ignoring you." Juliet whispered back never looking up from her paper as she continued to write.

Sirius rolled his eyes before grabbing the girl's quill stopping her from writing. Juliet's blue eyes met his grey ones in seconds as she shot him a look.

"Are you sure? Because ever since the ki-" Sirius began to ask but was cut off by Juliet slamming her hand over his mouth.

"Not everyone wants to hear that." Juliet fired as her cheeks flushed.

His hands on her waist moving her. Her fingers in his hair. She craved his touch like that. She craved for him to do things to her that she never even thought about before. It made her feel dirty.

"We can't keep avoiding it." Sirius mumbled as he removed the girl's hand from his mouth.

Sirius was right. Juliet couldn't kee running from the kiss like she did over the summer.

"Look if you didn't like it I would rather you just say instead of moving out for the whole summer to do Merlin knows what-" Sirius began to ramble.

He was wrong. She did like it. She liked it too much, that was the problem. They were best friends. And Sirius was Hogwarts biggest flirt and player. The girl couldn't be sure that she was yet just another one of his flings.

"Mr Black, would you like to share you so important conversation with the class?" Slughorn called causing both teens to look up at the professor.

All eyes fell on the two teens intrigued as sirius shook his head.

"Sorry professor." Was all Sirius said before he glanced at the girl with a sad look before handing her quil back.

Maybe Sirius was right. They did need to talk about the kiss before it destroyed their friendship.

"I'll talk about it later if you want." Juliet offered as she tried to be brave.

Sirius felt his heart beat faster as he nodded happily. He needed to know what she felt.


Why did she seem reluctant to talk about it? It wasn't like they didn't kiss before but then again it was different last time. There was more emotion in this kiss. It was more desperate.

The blonde girl clinged desperately to sirius' arm as she practically skipped down the hallway happily.

"And then I told her that-"

And why did it annoy him so much when Avery asked if he was jealous? Was he jealous? He knew the Slytherin boy had feelings for the brunette girl. Was that why he was jealous?

Sirius' eyes wide as he stoped walking for a second causing the girl to freeze as well confused.

He was jealous. He was jealous of Avery. How could he be jealous of a Slytherin? Because of that one brunette girl. He didn't like the attention Avery had been giving the girl since she was disowned.

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