Dumbledore's speech

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"Take your seats please!" Called McGonagall over the loud rumble of student chatting.

The great hall was full more than usual though as every student and professor had been gathered for an assembly. Members of the ministry spread along the side of the hall with aurors covering entrances and exits. The students couldn't help but gossip. This had never happened in their lifetime.

"What's happening?" Squeaked out Peter as he followed Sirius.

The crowd continued to move down the rows finding a seat. Remus was the first to sit down near Marlene as James climbed over the table to sit next to Lily.

"What's going on?" James asked as he leant closer to Lily.

"No idea. I was in the library when everyone was told to come here." Lily whispered back not sure either.

Peter crawled under the table to sit next to James as Sirius helped Juliet next to Remus.

"What do you think they want? Why is the ministry here? Is that mad eye Moody?" Peter continued to ask question after question.

"Peter just shut it." Sirius snapped at the boys causing Juliet to glare at him.

"Sirius." Juliet gave him a stern glare.

"He's just scared." Juliet whispered to him as she glanced at the boy opposite them who chewed his nails anxiously.

"Quiet." Came the loud booming voice from Dumbledore causing the entire hall to fall silent as the last students took their seats.

"As you may already be aware of the Daily prophet and gossip going about the school, there is a dark wizard rising." Dumbledore took his time speaking, it was like he was analysing everyone's move.

The group of Gryffindors shared a strong look. They already knew this but he had just confirmed many people's fears.

"These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has perhaps faced no greater threat than it does today." Dumbledore continued on mysteriously.

The eerie atmosphere in the great hall was suffocating. Juliet could feel her heart beating faster, she could hear it pounding on her ribs. The red snake-like eyes pierced into her mind making her feel sick. The flash of green came back, taking her back to that horrible night.

"A war is coming. The enemy is on your doorstep."

There it was. Confirmed. A war. Small whispers could be heard in the hall of disbelief. The rumours were true, Juliet was right.

James' head fogged as he glanced at the red-haired girl next to him with worry. A Muggle born. The main target of the war.

"Every day, every hour, this very minute perhaps dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls. But in the end their greatest weapon is you." Dumbledore added, each word leaving everyone on the edge of their seats.

Juliet scanned the hall of her fellow students. Her eyes fell on the green table knowing many of them were already on his side and were helping collect followers.

"The Ministry has asked me to urge you to be cautious, do not fall into one of their traps." Dumbledore added once more as he glanced at the minister himself.

It wasn't enough to be cautious. It wasn't enough to be vigilant. As much as Juliet would hate to admit it but most of the death eaters were smart. They knew how to feed on fear in order to win.

"Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon, we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy." Juliet could has sworn that Dumbledore stared at the marauders as he spoke these very words.

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