Summer of 1978

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The summer had officially begun 2 weeks ago and the potter residence was bursting with life once more.

"James, Sirius stop running!" Scold James' mum, Mia, as she shook her head at the boys.

"Give it back!" Sirius chased James upstairs once again.

The boy had been trying to get his leather jacket from the boy for about an hour now and he would be late if he wasn't careful.

Three weeks ago Sirius' uncle Alphard had passed away much to the boys dismay. His uncle was really the only one who really cared for the boy and therefore had left Sirius his entire inheritance.

James had attempted to sprint around the corner once more as he ran right into Juliet taking the girl to the floor in a loud crash. Sirius who was close on james' heels tried to stop but couldn't and fell into the pile squishing the two teens even more.

"Ow." Groaned Juliet as she gasped for breathe.

"Get off you fat gits." Juliet grunted as she tried to push the two boys off.

"What'd you call me?" James gasped offended before he began to tickle the girl who squirmed desperately.

"No hahahaha pleasahahhaha I'm sor hahaha sorry ahaha." Juliet laughed out as she tried to stop James hands but the boy held an evil smirk.

"James." Whined Juliet which his mother must have heard.

"James, leave her alone!" Called Mia from downstairs causing James to stop and Juliet to smile.

"Suck up." Teased James with a pout.

"Oi, where are you going?" Asked Juliet as she noticed Sirius was up and half way down the hallway now.

"I'm off out." Sirius stated simply causing the other two teens to share a look.

"Let me guess. What's her name? Is it? Lucy?" James teased as he battered his eyelashes.

"No Stacey?"




Juliet and James fired between one another as they followed Sirius down the stairs to the front door.

"No, it's actually not a girl." Sirius stated as he pulled his black boots on.

"It's a boy?!" James gasped shocked.

He didn't think the boy went that way.

"What?! No! It's a motorbike!" Sirius finally let it slip causing him to groan once he realised what he had done.

"A motorbike?!" Beamed Juliet excitedly.

"Oh I'm coming!" James shouted as he sprinted upstairs to grab his jacket.

"It was meant to be a shock." Sirius groaned annoyed.

"I've seen your room. Trust me it's no shock." Juliet smirked with her arms folded before dropping her arms.

"Do you not want us to come?" Asked Juliet confused by the boys strange behaviour.

He did everything with the two of them. Sirius knew if he took them he wouldn't be able to look properly. Especially with James. He knew how excited the boy could get.

"No it's not that. I was meant to pull up all cool." Sirius smirked before wrapping his arm round the girl.

"Go get your coat. I'll take you." Sirius whispered causing the girl this smile.

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