Wittle Manor

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The hogwarts express pulled into Platform 9 and 3/4 later that evening. The students excitedly filed out of the train heading to their families. Shouting their goodbyes and merry Christmas to their friends before happily exiting the platform.

All the students except a certain group of five. The four boys gave the girl a look a worry and sympathy while the girl shrugged it off.

They climbed off the train as the girl scanned the platform. Once again just like every year since 1st year the girls parents were no where to be seen. Instead stood a shaking starved house elf dressed in rags.

"Jul." Sirius grabbed the girls hand causing her to look back at the three boys.

The fourth boy had quickly waved them all off before running to his parents. His father shouting at him to hurry up causing the chubby boy to smile sadly.

"I'll be okay." Juliet smiled weakly as she looked over all three boys faces that were filled with worry.

"I'll see you Christmas eve in Godrics Hollow." Juliet smiled causing the speckled boy to step closer pulling her into a hug.

"If you need anything. Anything at all. You know where I am." James spoke gently as he held the girl close.

The girl smiled at how comforting the boy was before letting him go and pulling the scarred boy into a hug.

"Dont be late or we'll worry. 5PM sharp." Remus said worried as the girl smiled.

"Dont hurt yourself too much on full moon night." The girl warned as she pulled away causing the boy to chuckle.

"You could still come with us." Sirius offered.

He hated this. Ever since he escaped his torture he had felt guilty while the girl remained in the pureblood hell.

"I'll be okay. Godric hallow 5PM Christmas eve." Juliet smiled as she pulled the boy into a hug which he quickly accepted.

The girl parted from the boy before giving them a salute causing the boys to smile weakly and wave ad the girl turned towards the house elf.

"Is Mistress Wittle ready?" Asked Evine in a quiet voice.

"Yes." The girl smiled weakly as she took the house elf's small hand in hers before being pulled about before coming to a stop at Wittle Manor.

The large dark manor, that was definitely much bigger than the Wittle family needed, stood proudly in the outskirts of Bath. The manor was a large estate with gardens that were fully bloomed and well kept. The manor was as clean as clean could be. Beautiful.

The windows were dimly lit making the windows standing out in the dark night just like the moon lighting the sky. The small trickling noise of the fountain behind the girl could be heard.

The young brunette girl took a deep breathe before walking towards the front door. She walked through the garden tugging her trunk behind her followed by the house elf.

She reached the door and paused for a second. Hand hovering over the handle. It wasnt too late. She could still leave to the Potters. No. She could survive this.

Her pale hand landed on the handle finally twisting and pushing the heavy black doors open.

The girl was faced with an empty entrance hall with the dark staircase that lead upstairs.

"Your father in the study Mistress Wittle." Evine spoke as she struggled to shut the heavy doors.

"Let me help." Juliet said as she pushed the doors shut causing the house elf to smile sheepishly before taking the trunk to the girls room.

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