Do the right thing

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The blast had blocked Bellatrixs view as she covered her face from the flying pieces of wood.

Juliet turned as quick as possible pointing at the trees as she pushed Sirius behind one. The others followed suit just as quickly.

"Where are you?!" Screamed Bellatrix angrily. She did not like to lose.

James pulled Lily closely to him wrapping his arm around her with his other ready for a fight as he held his wand tighter. Lily shook in fear as she hide her face in his shoulder.

This had been the first time she had ever witnessed this sort of thing, the first time seeing an unforgivable curse perform. And it just so happened to be on one of her best friend. She tried to hold the tears back.

"Shh. You're okay." Whispered james trying to brave but he was just as scared.

His hand shook as he was trying to listen for anyone getting closer. His heart beat fast as he thought of the danger, the danger that his friends had experienced before.

Peter hid behind Marlene who clung to the tree desperately with tear filled eyes.

"I know you're out there!" Screamed Bellatrix as she fired a spell at a near by tree causing Alice to close her eyes as she held remus' hand tightly.

Remus himself had his eyes closed tightly trying to think of anything but what was happening right now.

"Wittle! Stop hiding you coward!" Screamed Bellatrix angrily as she glared around her surroundings.

Juliets eyes filled with tears as she held her hand over Sirius' mouth. She had pressed him against the tree to hide. Her hands still shook in fear and adrenaline. Sirius clung to her desperately as his worry filled eyes scanned her fear written face. He pulled her close as he listened for his dreaded cousin.

"Bellatrix! What are you doing?" Came a horsey male voice causing the teens fear to increase.

Remus opened his eyes glancing to his right to the tree Juliet and Sirius was hid behind. He had an idea.

He held his wand up causing sirius to shake his head desperately. They couldnt afford to take them on. It was a miracle juliet had been able to hold Bellatrix off as long as she did.

Juliet felt sirius' desperate movement removed her hand and looked to their left at Remus. Remus pointed his wand up to the sky as he looked at Juliet.

"He wants to alert someone. Like a spark." Juliet whisper to Sirius causing Sirius to look down at the girl who he still held tightly.

"They were here. I know they're still here." Bellatrix sneered as she threw another spell at a tree making the teens jump again.

Sirius pulled his wand out nodding at Remus as he too pointed his wand up. Juliet began to count on her fingers.

"I'm scared." Stutted lily into James jumper causing him to look down at the red haired girl.

His heart ached for the girl. He glanced to peter who was sobbing quietly as he hid behind Marlene.

All of a sudden two bright sparks flew into the sky like fireworks lighting up the night sky in white and red.

"They're here!" Beamed Bellatrix.

"We must go! Theyve alerted everyone!" The mans voice stated sternly causing the dark haired woman to growl in annoyance.

"Dumbledore cant keep you safe forever!" Shouted Bellatrix as the man tried to drag her away.

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