The first sighting

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It was finally Halloween night. A night where muggles stalk the streets dressed in spooky witch outfits collecting candy. But for the wizards and witches it was a great night to throw a party.

"Pack this all away Potter." Sighed Mcgonagall as folded her arms.

The marauders were preparing for their usual halloween party when the professor had crept it and surprised them.

"Whyyyy?" Whined james as he put on his best puppy dog eyes.

"Because unlike the previous years you all have school work tomorrow. And it's my class you five have first." Mcgonagall explained as she pointed to the room.

Peter bowed his head into submission and sulked off to start pulling down the hanging skeletons they had managed to pinch from flitch's office.

"We'll curfew it then. 10pm!" Sirius barked out trying to find a way around the small issue.

"Absolutely not, black. There will be no party at all and that's final." Mcgonagall pointed at the boy sternly.

Sirius leant forward to whisper into Juliets ear with a smirk on his face.

"That's what she thinks." Whispered sirius but of course the professor had heard the boy.

"If the party takes place I'll make you all five of you are split up for the rest of the year in all your classes." Mcgonagall threatened causing four of them to gasp.

"That's fair." Remus nodded causing James and Sirius to slap his arms getting him to shut up.

"No party." Mcgonagall stated as she looked over the three she didnt quite trust with responsibilities.

"No party." Sighed Sirius, james and Juliet in disappointment.

The professor nodded satisfied before taking her leave. Juliet threw herself back into the couch joined by james.

"Welp, there goes our epic night." Sighed james as Remus immediately started to cast spells bring the decorations down quickly.

"Its not the end of the world." Remus shrugged as he looked at the two.

"Omg!" Sirius blurted out.

As the rest of the group were sharing their disappointment about the party Sirius had been rattling his brain trying to think of a solution or another option.

"I've got an idea." Sirius smirked causing Remus to groan.

"I hate where this is going." Remus groaned knowing what Sirius was like.

James and peter how ever looked excited at the idea of another option.

"Yes?" Asked James happily waiting on the edge of his seat.

"We'll have a horror night in the common room instead." Sirius stated proudly as he folded his arms.

"And if Mcgonagall comes in?" Asked Juliet stating what was on everyones minds.

"She said no Party. She didnt say anything else." Sirius reiterated causing the group to share a look.

Even remus looked impress that the boy had found that clause in the professors warning.

"We'll just invite our friends. Us and the girls. You know, McKinnon, Evan's and that lot." James suggested causing the group to nod excitedly.

"Then its sorted then. Lets have a spooky night." Juliet smirked as she looked at Sirius impressed.


That night the mist rolled in over the valley surrounding the castle. The full moon reflected brightly in the black lake. The distant sound of echoing noises crept from the forbidden forest.

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