1: First

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Cha Eunwoo's POV

After an hour of performing few songs on the stage, I thanked Jinjin and the rest of the club's crews who gave me the opportunity to join them tonight. It was just my first day but I must admit the support and cheers from the audience was very nice. I cannot wait to perform again next week.

When I walked to the front door of Aroha Space Club, I saw a familiar figure leaning against the wall near the door alone. I walked up to her and snapped my fingers to get her attention. She looked up from her phone and smiled widely as she saw me.

"Eunu, you didn't tell me..", she suddenly pouted as she spoke.

I frowned, "Tell you what?"

She pointed to the club's door and back at me, "This. That you perform here."

I chuckled, "Just so you know, that was my first time here."

She made a face as if she did not believe me as we began to walk away from the club.

"So, this is like what? Your very new job?", she asked.

I nodded to the question. "Every Saturday night. So if you want to see me performing again, come here next week.", I told her before she suddenly hit my elbow. "What's that for?", I asked as I rubbed the spot she hit me at.

"You only tell me now because I saw you. If not, you'll keep it a secret forever from me.", once again, Chaeyoung pouted like she did earlier.

We stopped at the street near the parking area as Chaeyoung told me to wait for a moment.

"By the way, Chae..why were you here at the club? Was it the place you wanted to take me to?", I asked her as I remembered our conversation this afternoon at the convenience store.

She smiled and nodded to me after she got what she was looking for from her sling bag.

"Actually we were from the karaoke bar two floors above the club. After we got tired of singing, Jennie unnie told us about Aroha club so we went to check it out. My friends and I celebrated my success here.", Chaeyoung explained to me in detail as she usually does.

"Your success?", I made it sound like a question as I was a little confused with what she just said. Success? Is it the graduation thing? But she celebrated that two weeks ago when we officially graduated. Another celebration for graduating? I did not get it.

And for the third time, I saw Chaeyoung's lower lip thrusting out into a sulky pout.

"You forgot.", she said before she walked to the parking area and I followed her steps.

"Uh...I'm sorry but about what?", I asked when we stopped beside a white car that Chaeyoung easily unlocked the door of.

"You forgot about me taking driving lesson three weeks ago.", she said as she pushed the door she opened purposely hitting me on the torso.

I was a bit shocked before I understood it.

"So, you celebrated getting your drivers license?", my mouth asked the obvious to her making her rolling her eyes at me while she sat down on the driver seat of the white car. "Oh, come on. Chae, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...okay, I admit I forgot. How can I make up for my mistake, princess?", I asked while preventing the door to be closed.

Chaeyoung ignored me as she started the car, turned on the A/C and I could see she purposely turned the volume of the radio up.

"Ariel?", I called her by the name of the Disney princess she adored.

I knew she barely heard it but she still turned her face to look at me and showed me her sweet smile. I responded with a smile too and mouthed a sorry again to her.

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