34: Uncovered

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Kim Seokjin's POV

My mouth went wide opened after hearing what Uncle Jeon said.

"You knew about this and didn't tell me?", I asked, feeling a bit disappointed not to know early like him.

"I know about it but I don't know if he knows or not that he works at his father's company. He might not know his father was the co-founder with Kim Daehan and Cha Taehyun. What are you going to do with this information anyway, Jin?", Uncle asked me back.

I shrugged, "Who knows...he knew what happened to his father and came back to take revenge.."

Uncle Jeon shook his head, "He seems clueless about it. So, don't make assumptions like that about him, Jin."

"Okay, even if...he is clueless about it, don't you want to seek justice for his father? For your brother, uncle?", I asked as I still feel unfair for what happened to Jeon Jihoon, Uncle Jeon's twin brother.

He sighed as he shook his head, "There's no way you can accuse someone without a solid proof, Jin. I've accepted his death long time ago and I'm just coming here to fulfil his will."

Now, it was my turn to sigh. "So, we just let this thing slide and only let Eunwoo know about his father's will?", I asked.

He shook his head, "I'll be the one to tell him everything. Don't worry about it."

I nodded slowly, "Well, I guess then these files here are useless. You don't need it."

He chuckled before nodding, "You shouldn't waste your time on this, Jin. You've done enough for me. You should go see your girlfriend sometime. I haven't heard about her for quite a while. How's she doing?"

I smiled at the thought of Jisoo coming into my mind, "She's alright. I'll go to Seoul this weekend to see her."


When I came to Wishful Wedding Agency, I saw Jisoo at one of the table with her eyes focused on the laptop in front of her. I decided to surprise her so I signalled to her colleague to keep quiet about my appearance. I slowly took each steps to her without making any noise.

When I finally reached behind her, I moved my head to the left of hers and surprised her.

"Boo!", I said near her ear.

She turned her face to look at me and I smiled.

"Hi, my baby boo.", I greeted before I pecked her lips.

I was hoping that she'd kiss me back longer but she cupped my face and pushed me back a little.

"Seokjin, what are you doing here?", she asked with wide eyes.

She looked surprised but I felt surprised too. I felt surprised that she seemed to not be happy to see me. When she called me Seokjin, that means she is unhappy with me.

"Jisoo, are you mad at me?", I asked as I sat on the chair next to her.

"No, it's just...you shouldn't be here. Not now.", Jisoo looked troubled as she began to see around especially outside the agency.

I looked around too to find what was bothering her but she insisted to take me to hide.

"Jisoo, babe. Wait, why do I have to hide?", I asked as she pushed me to stay at the staff room at the back.

"Because...today my best friend will come here with her fiancé and I haven't told her that I'm dating someone. She will be mad if she knows it this way.", Jisoo explained as she looked outside again.

"What's wrong if we just tell her now?", I asked while trying to stand still even though I am being pushed away.

Jisoo clenched her fist and held it up to my face, "We have made a promise to tell each other if we start dating. It's like a promise between us, girls, best friends to protect each other. Do you understand?"

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