26: Fix or Break

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Park Chaeyoung's POV

We were going down to the ground floor when Eunwoo pulled my hand to a stop at the staircase.

"Let's get those cuts treated, okay?", I told him as I pulled him back.

"I can treat them myself. I have the medical kit prepared for this already.", he said as he stopped me again.


"At my apartment.", he looked up as he answered.

"Well, then. Let's go there now.", I pulled him to go upstairs.

He hissed before pulling me to the door, "Use the elevator instead. My place is at the fifteenth floor, Chaeyoung."

I stayed quiet in the elevator to prevent from scolding him again. When we reached the fifteenth floor, I followed his lead to his apartment unit. He put in the pass code and let me enter first.

"Now, where's your medical kit?", I asked as I looked around with my arms crossed.

I did not get a reply from Eunwoo so I turned to look at him covering his mouth from laughing.

"What's funny?", I asked him.

His eyes met mine and he apologized, "You're too serious. I'm intimidated."

I clicked my tongue at his words, "Eunu, I'm really serious right now. It's not funny at all seeing my friend got hurt like this."

He nodded before pointing at the table beside the TV, "Here."

I took it from him and asked him to sit down on the sofa carefully.

"Chaeyoung, you know these aren't serious cuts...", I slapped his hand that was going to touch the corner of his lips.


"Put your hands on your sides and don't ever touch your face.", I said sternly as I looked at what I can use from the medical kit to treat the cut on his lips and his nose bridge. "Okay, wait here. I'll wash my hands first.", I told him before I quickly went to the kitchen where the nearest sink is seen from the living room.

"Did you get injured anywhere else other than your face, Eunu?", I asked while washing my hands.

Eunwoo hummed before responding, "Nowhere else."

"You sure?", I showed up beside him after making sure my hands are dried and clean to treat his wounds.


"Okay, now I'll clean the wounds first. Your nose seemed to be bleeding the most...", I paused as Eunwoo whimpered a little when I wiped his bleeding nose bridge with a wet cloth. "Hold it in, Eunu.", I said as I carefully wiped it and moved to wipe the left corner of his lips next.

He remained quiet while I made sure no more blood coming out from his wounds. Then, I slowly applied an ointment to the wounds before bandaging them. After I am done, I cleaned up the cloth and put everytime back inside the kit before going to keep it back at its place.

"It's okay. Let me...Ouch!", I looked at him touching the left side of his stomach before suddenly changed to touch his lips.


"No, I'm okay."

"Cha Eunwoo, take off your shirt.", I pointed at where he touched earlier.

He shook his head slowly, "No, I'm fine there."

I shook my head too, "No, you're not."

He slowly touched the edge of his shirt but did not take it off.

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