32: Hurts So Good

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Park Chaeyoung's POV

"I heard you said something like...'if you're mine'?", I said with my sleepy eyes.

I might barely heard him but I was sure my ears heard him correctly.


"What?", I asked before blinking, I just realized that our faces were too near to each other right now.

Eunwoo moved closer to me so I tried to move back a little even though there was practically no way for me to move unless I pull the lever up to move the seat backward.

"Eunu, you're too close..", I said before I felt his lips crashing mine.

My eyes widened at his bold action before my hands pushing his shoulders to tell him to stop. He looked at my eyes before he pulled away. I was speechless of what just happened.

"If you're mine...I'd kiss you forever, Chaeyoung.", Eunwoo said before he leaned in closer again.

As much as I wanted to feel his lips on mine again, I suddenly got panic about it until I acted recklessly in return.

"No, Eunwoo!", I pushed him aside and tried to step out of the car.

"Oww!!", I yelled as I fell on the ground clumsily. "Argh....", I whispered in pain while trying to stand up.

"Chaeyoung?", I looked up to him in horror. "Are you okay?", he asked as I looked around me.

I am in my bedroom...I was...

"I'm sorry but I heard a loud thudding sound from here.", Eunwoo said as he opened the door of my bedroom wider before I saw my father standing beside him.

I had a dream...and I fell off my bed. Embarrassing!

"Chae, are you up? Eunwoo is leaving, my dear.", my father said as he entered my room.

"You're leaving already?", I asked as I checked the time on the clock at the small table beside my bed.

"It's past 9, Chaeyoung. Are you okay? I'm sorry we had breakfast without you downstairs.", my father said as I realized how late I woke up.

Usually I wake up at 7 or 8 in the morning.

"I have to go back now, Chaeyoung. The rental service person called me. They need the car for another customer later at noon.", Eunwoo said as he stood at the door while glancing at his watch.

I nodded with a little pout. Eunwoo chuckled before my father left us to do something downstairs. I walked to Eunwoo and looked at him from head to toe.

"Oh, your dad gave me these to wear. He said the shirt is yours but you haven't use it for a while so...", he tried to explain but I nodded midway.

"It looks good on you though.", I said as I smiled at how he managed to look good in my blue oversized shirt. "So, you're leaving...now, Eunu?", I asked him.

He nodded slowly before heading to the stairs.

"I'll see you next time, Chaeyoung.", he said as he turned to look at me.

I stayed still at my door watching him. "See you, Eunwoo. And before you go, thank you for driving me home last night.", I said with a smile.

He nodded before pointing at me, "Go wash your face. You look like a zombie, Chae."

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