10: Soft

688 57 17

Park Chaeyoung's POV

I looked at Jungkook who has been very quiet after In-Youp told us that we cannot go home today. It was only after dinner I dared myself to talk to him. He must be angry because I was the one that made us come here.


"Hmm...", he stared outside from one of the windows in the lounge area.

"I'm sorry. I know we're stuck here because of me.", I looked outside and saw that the rain had not stopped yet.

When In-Youp came to tell us the bridge that we had to take to get here collapsed, I was quite shocked to know it even though I tried to relax after hearing it.

But, after Jungkook asked how bad it was and In-Youp said it was impossible for any vehicle to pass through, I panicked. I was thinking of how to go home, how long will it take for the bridge to be fixed, and a lot more.

"If we hadn't come here..."

"Don't say that. The kids might hear you and get offended with you.", Jungkook cut me off reminding me of how he was offended with me earlier today.

After that, he turned around and I asked where he was going to.

"I want to sleep. See you tomorrow.", he said without looking at me and walked further.

I sighed as he was out of my sight. Then, I looked back at the rain outside. It seemed like the heavy rain has started to ease off at the moment. Hopefully it stops soon and we can go back to Seoul tomorrow.

"Maybe you want to go to sleep too. The sunrise will greet you when you wake up.", I turned my face to my side to see In-Youp standing there with his serious face.

He smiled at me when our eyes met.

"Does it always rain like this here, oppa?", I asked.

"Hmmm... it happens once in a while.", he answered as he too, faced the window and watched the rain. "But, don't worry. The villagers will start to build the bridge back as soon as the rain stops.", he added.

"Hyung, you have to go upstairs. Sunoo and Kai are bothering Jungkook hyung from sleeping.", a tall boy came to us informing In-Youp about what happened upstairs.

He turned to the boy with a sigh. "They haven't slept yet?", he asked the boy.

"No, they saw Jungkook hyung coming to our room and asked him to read bedtime stories for them.", the boy answered.

"Okay, I'll check on them in a minute. You tell them to get on their beds before I get there.", he replied.

The boy left and I looked at In-Youp's expressionless face.

"It's okay, oppa. You can go check on the kids. I'll be fine here.", I told him before showing that there are still a few kids around with me. They are the ones in teenage years still busy studying in the lounge area.

"You should go to sleep, Chaeyoung.", In-Youp said before he excused himself.

I watched him go while recalling that one time we had a video call and he told me how the kids at the orphanage look up to him. He was like their eldest brother even though he was just the son of the orphanage's owner. I admired him for choosing to take care of them after his parents passed away. It seemed like he loves the life here rather than when he was in Seoul. If he had stayed longer there, he might be the first person I fell in love with.

After taking another 15 minutes at the lounge area, I decided to go upstairs to sleep. When I reached the second floor, I saw the back of Jungkook in the smaller children's bedroom as the door is opened a little. I walked closer to that room and saw him holding a book in his right hand. His left hand was imitating an animal or something, I'm not sure. I could also hear the excited small voices in there.

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