37: Follow Your Gut

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Park Chaeyoung's POV

It was midnight when I arrived at Eunwoo's apartment in Jeonju. I was not sure if he is here but I can only think he will go home after that unexpected meeting with Uncle Jeon. Furthermore, this is closer to the house we met and I did not think Eunwoo will go to his house in Seoul at this hour.

When I reached the guard post, I told the security guard I was visiting Eunwoo and he allowed me in. I asked for a spare key to his apartment just in case and the security guard gave me easily after recognising me. He called me the angry lady looking for the gym as he gave me the spare key. I rolled my eyes at him before I made my way to the elevator.

While waiting to reach the fifteenth floor, I thought about what I am going to do here. I wanted to tell Eunwoo the truth about Uncle Jeon and their relationship. I wanted to talk about us. I wanted to confess to him.

I took a deep breath as I was thinking of the last thing I will do. I felt nervous. What if he rejects me? What if his feelings for me faded already? What if...

"Gosh, I hope I'm doing this right.", I uttered as the elevator opened.

I walked out to the direction of Eunwoo's apartment unit and ring the bell twice. While waiting for a respond, I prayed hard that I can tell him everything and make my confession right. I don't know what will happen if he rejects me. Why am I scared so much that he will reject me? Uncle Jeon said he loves me.

"Chaeyoung? What are you doing here?", Eunwoo's voice brought me back to reality.

Did my mind just wandered off elsewhere? Right in front of him...

"Chaeyoung?", he called again as he held the door close so that it was only opened a little. It seemed like he did not want to let me in. It's okay for me, we can talk out here too.

"Eunu, can I...talk with you?", I asked him.

He looked at me quietly before opening his mouth, "Did he send you here to talk with me?"

I raised my eyebrows at it.

"Uncle Lee..or...whatever his name is.", he said while looking down.

I shook my head. "I came because I wanted to. Actually I didn't know if you'll be home or not, I just...tried my luck.", I explained.

"Do you feel lucky to find me here?", he asked.

I was going to shake my head but I decided to stop halfway.

"Eunwoo, Uncle Jeon...who you know as Uncle Lee, he wasn't like who you thought. I've talked to him and he told me everything. Now will you let me explain that everything to you?", I said to him. "I know you will not want to see him anytime soon so let me just be the one to tell you everything. Please..", I added as I hold his hand.

Eunwoo glared at me before he opened the door wider.

"Come in.", he said as he turned around walking inside.

I followed him and thanked him.

"If I say no, you will still talk about it, right?", he asked as he stopped in a sudden.

I stopped moving too.

"You always have something to tell me though.", he added.

"Yeah, I will still want to talk about it because I know even though you feel angry with Uncle Jeon, you still wanted to know the truth deep down inside your heart.", I replied as I looked at his living room in the dim light.

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