35: It's Happening

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Kim Seokjin's POV

I looked at Uncle Jeon sighing after I showed him and told him what I found out from the agency yesterday. He looked disappointed but his words quite shocked me.

"I actually have expected it, Jin.", he said as he looked at my shocked face. "I've expected them not to be in love with each other. Maybe Jungkook does but Chaeyoung's still trying. You know it isn't easy for them to be in love in just a few months..but I didn't expect Chaeyoung to have a plan like this.", he added as he looked at the photo I managed to capture on my phone.

It showed the agreement paper that Jungkook signed which I purposely spilled water on.

"But I can't blame her or even get mad at her. She must've had her own reason..", Uncle said.

"Me too. I'm not...mad with her. I'm a nobody to be mad at her but I do feel disappointed to know they have this agreement. I mean...did they pretend they're OK whenever they meet you? Did they fake their relationship to be seen all good and happy in front of everyone?", I let out all that I had in mind about these two young people that suddenly became my concern these few days.

Uncle Jeon shook his head slowly, "They don't pretend it. Like I said earlier, Jungkook has feelings for Chaeyoung. He admitted his feelings for her grew as they date these few months. Chaeyoung might be the one hardly trying to do the same."

I nodded to his words, "Then, now what? Are you still going to let them get married, uncle?"

The older man stared at the coffee cup on the table for quite a while before he turned to look at me back, "I think it's time."


Jeon Jungkook's POV

I was expecting to see Chaeyoung today but we never bumped into each other at all. She was not there in the morning I waited for the elevator. She was not there in the afternoon I waited for her at the cafe. She was not there in the evening I waited for her at the lobby.

I was going to give her a call when my cousin called my name. I turned around seeing her walking from the direction of the elevator. I gave a quick smile as she stood in front of me.

"Yah, Jungkook. What's wrong with you? Why are you still here?", Yeobin asked me.

I shook my head before I answered, "I'm on my way home. Hee.."

Yeobin looked at me with a curious face, "Really?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm going to my car actually." I smiled awkwardly as I took out my car key.

"Jungkook, if you're on your way home and going to get your car, you'd be going to the underground carpark right now. I saw you looking restless walking around here. What's up with you actually?", she asked me.

I tried to deny having something bothering me but she knew better, "Even your smile looked fake, you know that, Jungkook-ah?"

I faked a laugh in respond. Yeobin glared at me before asking me to spill what was in my mind.


"Do you know Chaeyoung is sick today?"

"Chaeyoung is sick, noona?", I asked back in shock.

Yeobin nodded, "She made a call directly to me this morning. She said she's caught flu and has been sneezing severely so she asked for a leave today."

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