39: After She Left

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Cha Eunwoo's POV

I blinked.

I was still surprised with what just happened. I tried to chase Chaeyoung when she rushed to the front door. I got to grab her hand but she pulled away harshly before turning to look at me. I wanted to explain to her but she pushed me hard on my chest.

"Don't...stop me, Eunwoo.", that was what she said before she walked out.

"Chaeyoung, where are you going at this hour?", I asked as I watched her walking through the hallway.

"I'm going home!", she shouted without looking back.

I watched her until she was no longer in my sight. I wanted to follow her but she has warned me earlier. I cannot stop her or she will get angrier with me. The last thing I want to happen between us is a big fight. I don't want her to trigger her anger even more.

After much thinking at the door, I decided to knock on Jimin's door that was a few meters away from mine. I knocked and rang the bell several times until he opened it.

"Yah, Eunwoo. What time is..."

"I have no time to talk. Can I borrow your car?", I asked him as he looked like he just woke up from sleep.

He blinked as he looked at my face, "What is this sudden.."

I ignored him as I entered his unit, "Where's your car key? Please let me borrow for a while." Just as I finished what I said, I saw the key hanging on the key hanger beside the door. "I'll fill the tank full for you.", I said as I grabbed it and ran towards the elevator.


"Thank you!", I shouted back as I headed for the stairs.

If I have to wait for the elevator, I might lose Chaeyoung already.

When I got to the guard post, I asked if the security guard saw a car leaving the housing area and he showed me the direction that the car had just went to.

I believed that is Chaeyoung's car as the security guard said the driver was just a visitor. I sped off to the road as I focused on looking for her. I might have been warned not to stop her but that does not mean I cannot follow her. I just wanted to make sure she reached home safely from here.

Within five minutes of driving, I finally saw the car that I recognised stopping at the red light. I slowed down as I stayed behind her car there. After the light turned green, I made sure to drive in a safe distance so that Chaeyoung doesn't suspect anything.

When we almost reached her house, I decided to stop at the roadside and watched her from there. She looked tired in my eyes. She must be feeling exhausted after driving for two hours to get here.

I, myself was sighing as I stopped driving. I was tired and at the same time, I felt relieved to see Chaeyoung got home safe and sound. Now, I can think about us without anything messing with my head.

I have to plan nicely on how to explain to Chaeyoung without her leaving in the middle of the explanation again.

"Should I come back in the morning..no, I have a meeting tomorrow. I can't miss that meeting.", I looked at the time and started to roughly counting how long I can sleep before going to work. "Gosh, I need to fill the tank first.", I just realized that the fuel is almost empty.

What a day I had today...


After I settled everything I have to do, I quickly went back to Seoul on Saturday. I planned to clear up everything with Chaeyoung after what happened last weekend. I went to her house to be greeted by her father at the front door.

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