40: Move On / Level Up

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Jeon Jungkook's POV

"Are you really serious with your decision, son?", my father asked me after I told him for the second time about what I planned to do.

I smiled at him, "Yes, dad. I'm serious."

He hummed as if he was thinking. Then, he looked at me with a questionable expression.

"You're not deciding this because of Chaeyoung, right?", he asked.

I chuckled before I shake my head, "It's been six months since we called it quits, dad. So, no, I'm not doing this because of her."

My father nodded hearing my answer.

"When are you going? Let me put it in my schedule.", he said as he took out his phone.

I smiled at him, "Why do you need to put it in your schedule, dad? It's not a big thing to include in there."

He shook his head, "My son is going away for a long time. It's important for me. Now, tell me the date. I'll send you off when you're leaving."

I nodded in defeat, "Two weeks from now. On Thursday."

I watched him putting in the details in the calendar. He was busy typing as I smiled at him. Chaeyoung was right, my father does love me a lot. When I came home that night after breaking off the engagement, he was there waiting for me.

"Why do you pick a weekday? You're lucky I don't have any important thing that day, Jungkook.", he said after he was done with the calendar.

I grinned at him, "I found the cheapest ticket on Thursday so..."

My father laughed at my respond.

"I can rent a private jet for you and you look for the cheapest flight ticket instead..", he said while laughing.

"No, dad. I'm the one deciding this so...let me do it all by myself. I'm okay to travel in a commercial plane once in a while.", I told him.

He nodded, "Okay, then. I'm going home. Are you coming home today? Eunwoo will be there for the weekend."

I took a moment to think before replying, "Dad...can you do me a favor?"

My father looked at me with narrowed eyes, "What's that?"

I put up my forefinger and moved them left to right, "Don't tell anyone about this. Especially Eunwoo."

"Why not?", he asked.

"Well...I just don't want anyone else to know especially him. If he knows, he will have to leave his cafe if he wants to see me off. I don't want to bother him with my departure.", I told him my reason which I hoped is enough to stop him from asking more.

"What about Chaeyoung?", he asked me.

I shook my head, "Not even her, dad. Please."

My father did not say anything but he nodded in the end. I walked him to the door and went to the sofa with a sigh. I hoped my plan to leave for USA is right. I needed it.


Cha Eunwoo's POV

I was having a phone call with Chaeyoung when my staff called me at the kitchen. She said there was a problem and I need to fix it as soon as possible. I asked her in a low volume what was the problem about.

"A customer said she wanted to see you.", she looked like she was about to cry when she told me the problem.

"Okay, give me a second.", I mouthed at her before I looked at my phone.

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