Alternate Epilogue

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Park Chaeyoung's POV

The afternoon sun painted the sky in hues of soft gold and warm amber as I stood outside the elegant wedding hall, my heart pounding like a drum. My fingers trembled slightly as I adjusted the delicate lace of my white wedding gown, a nervous flutter dancing in the pit of my stomach. I have never thought that I would get nervous for this day to come.

"Dad, what if I trip or mess up my vows?" I whispered, my voice betraying my anxiety.

He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, offering a gentle smile. "Relax, my dear. You'll do well. You've dreamt of this day for so long, don't you?"

I chuckled, "Not before I know Jungkook though."

He laughed back, "Look at you laughing, that's how you relax, my dear."

I nodded before the door of the grand hall is opened.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered my resolve and stepped into the hall with my father beside me, the air filled with the scent of fresh flowers and the soft strains of music. The hall was adorned with cascading blooms, twinkling fairy lights, and a serene ambiance that seemed to wrap around me like a warm embrace.

"Dad, it's breathtaking.", I murmured, my eyes marveling at the ethereal beauty of the hall.

"You're the most beautiful part of it all.", he replied, his words filling my anxious heart with warmth.

Walking down the aisle with him beside me, I glimpsed the gathering of our loved ones, their smiling faces instilling both comfort and nervousness within me. Then, I saw him—my soon-to-be husband, standing tall at the altar, a serene smile adorning his face, radiating an aura of calmness that washed over me like a soothing breeze. Jungkook looked so calm up there.

"Dad, look at him. He looks so calm.", I whispered, feeling a sense of reassurance.

"He's waiting for his bride. You're his rock too, remember that.", my father replied, his voice filled with pride.

As I approached Jungkook, his eyes met mine, and a wave of tranquility washed over me.

"You're stunning.", he mouthed, his eyes expressing tenderness and unwavering support.

"Thank you. You look gorgeous too.", I whispered back, feeling a rush of gratitude for his calming presence.

The vows we exchanged were filled with the weight of our dreams and promises for the future, each word carrying the depth of our love.

"I promise to stand by your side through all of life's joys and challenges.", Jungkook vowed, his voice unwavering yet filled with love.

"And I promise to love and cherish you for all the days of my life.", I pledged, my voice trembling with emotion.

With each vow spoken, the nerves that had once consumed me melted away, replaced by a profound sense of peace and love. Sealing our commitment with a tender kiss, the afternoon sun streaming through the windows, I knew that this moment marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey together. I may have only known Jungkook for a year but I knew that I will never change my decision to marry him today. He was a changed man and I love him, that is for sure. No one including my own best friend could replace him in my heart and talking about my best friend...I think I saw him smiling a lot today after a girl showed up just before the ceremony began earlier.

Jeon Jungkook's POV

As the ceremony concluded, we transitioned into the reception, greeting guests and sharing in their well-wishes and smiles. The air buzzed with laughter and music, creating a festive ambiance that matched the elation in my heart.

"Babe, did you see Eunwoo?", I asked Chaeyoung in a hushed tone as we mingled with our friends and family.

Her eyes scanned the crowd, "No. Why? Is something up?"

I chuckled nervously, "He looked oddly cheerful earlier. Did you see how his eyes sparkled when a girl showed up before the ceremony was starting?"

Chaeyoung laughed softly, "Yeah, I saw that too. I wonder where he is now. We should ask him about her."

I nodded before we continued greeting guests, exchanging stories, and sharing laughs. A while later, I spotted Eunwoo chatting animatedly with a group of friends. Making my way toward him, I clapped him on the back.

"Hey, bro! You seem to be having a blast.", I winked at him.

He grinned from ear to ear, "Can't I have a blast at my cousin's wedding? Where's Chaeyoung?"

I pointed at a group of girls gossiping just a few meters away from us, "Hey, we saw you with that girl. Do you not want to introduce us to her?"

Eunwoo smiled, his happiness palpable. "Oh, yeah. Will do that after she comes back from the washroom."

I smiled, lowering my voice at the same time, "Who is she? Your girlfriend, huh?"

He nodded slowly, "Hey, since you're asking. I actually need some help."

"Oh, what is it, bro?", I asked him as he pulled me somewhere quieter from the crowd.

Cha Eunwoo's POV

Jungkook turned to me with a curious look, "What's up, bro?"

I hesitated, suddenly unsure how to articulate my request. Asking for help with something so personal felt daunting. Yet, with a deep breath, I knew I had to voice it out to someone and that person better be him than Chaeyoung.

"Look, I need your advice.", I began, feeling the weight of my words. "I...wanted to marry Gayoung. Yeah, that's her name. So...this is about proposing to her. I... I'm not good at this kind of thing so..."

His eyes widened with understanding, and he nodded encouragingly. "I'm all ears. What do you need?"

For a moment, I faltered, struggling to articulate my thoughts. "I want it to be special, you know? Memorable. But I'm lost for ideas. I want her to feel how much she means to me."

Jungkook smiled warmly, "Got it. Let's brainstorm. What does she love? What are her passions?"

As I described her interests, hobbies, and cherished moments, Jungkook listened intently, offering thoughtful suggestions and asking guiding questions. Together, we pieced together a plan—a proposal idea that felt both personal and meaningful.

"Man, you're amazing at this.", I said, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.

He chuckled, "Nah, you just needed a sounding board. You know her better than anyone. Make it about your love story."

I nodded shyly, "Thanks, Jungkook."

He smiled, "Anytime, bro. Anytime."

"Bae?", Chaeyoung came to us with the girl I loved following beside her.

"Oh, do you...two know each other already?", I asked Chaeyoung.

Gayoung went to my side, our hands automatically intertwined.

"Jennie introduced us earlier, Eun.", Chaeyoung answered.

"Yeah, turns out Jennie, my college junior is friends with Chaeyoung so..", Gayoung added.

"Oh, wow, what a small world, huh?", Jungkook said as he pulled Chaeyoung closer to him. "Babe, so you already know she's Eunwoo's girlfriend?", he whispered the question to Chaeyoung but somehow we caught it too.

All of us chuckled at his question.

"Alright, Jungkook, Chaeyoung. Let me formally introduce you guys to my girlfriend. This is Moon Gayoung. Gayoung, this is my cousin, Jungkook and his wife also known as my best friend, Chaeyoung."


And.......that's a wrap for the alternate epilogue of Who is The One?. Thank you guys for reading and supporting till the end. I hope you loved both endings or I don't care, as long as you love the ending hehe. Bye-bye, guys!🤗🤗

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