38: When She Left

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Jeon Jungkook's POV

I cried.

Right after watching Chaeyoung leaving, the tears I hid finally showed up. I went down on my knees and sat on the sand again. I put my head on my knees as I sobbed.

"Mom...it hurts..", I uttered in between tears.

I cried even worse when I remembered my mother. I couldn't recall how long I have not cried like this. But I definitely could recall the time I lost her when we went to the beach.

It was crowded that evening when mom took me there. I was always with her wherever she goes and I can say the beach...any beach she saw, that's her favourite place other than home. She said she loved the breeze and she felt at ease when she's there.

Maybe because it can make her forget her illness, she was very fond of going to the beach.

But that day...it was a mistake to go there. We went there when there were only a few people enjoying their time on the sand. After a while, I started getting hungry as I sat beside her while she watched the blue sea in front of us.

"Mom, my tummy makes a sound...", I pouted as I touched my stomach.

Mom turned to look at me on her left and smiled as she looked at where my hand is.

"You hungry, Jungkook-ah..", she said before she looked around. "There's a few stalls. What do you want to eat? I'll buy for you.", she added as she pointed to somewhere near the car park that was a few meters away from the beach.

I nodded, "Any food that can fill up my tummy."

Mom gave a nod before standing up, "Want to come with me? You can look for yourself what you want to eat."

I shook my head. Wrong decision, I did not know why I decided that. Maybe that's how a five years old learn his lesson.

"Okay, Mom go for a while. Jungkook wait here, don't go anywhere until Mom come back. Okay?", she said as she showed me her pinky finger.

I smiled and intertwined our pinky fingers before mom walked away to buy food for me. I stayed sitting on the sand while watching some other kids jumping on the sea water happily. I wanted to join them but I remembered mom told me to stay.

I was not sure how long mom was away but I remained my position until something hit me. A bigger person...that's what I used to call that adult who bumped into me hardly on my back. He said sorry but asked me to leave as they were going to play volleyball there.

I was angry with him before I saw a lot of people coming towards me.

"Hey, kid! Leave! You're sitting on our court.", another man said while shoving his hand at me.

I ignored him as I played with the sands in front of me. While I was drawing something on the sand, I saw a hand beside me. I looked up and saw the person smiled at me.

"Hey, little boy. Can you move a bit? You're on the line.", this person talked politely to me. Maybe because she's not a man she can talk nicely with me.

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