30: Used to

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Jeon Jungkook's POV

I never thought that I'd be thanking my father but I do want to thank him for letting me to represent him to go to this event. If not because of him, I won't be able to see Chaeyoung smiling again. These few days were hard for me because she really meant what she said last week.

"I forgive you. But please remember that I haven't forgotten what you did. You have a long way to go to make me forget the pain you made me feel. Remember that.", I still got chill from that reminder she gave me.

"Jungkook, I want to go to the buffet table. Do you want anything?", she asked as she stood up.

I held her hand, "I'll come along."

She frowned as she watched me standing up from my chair.

"Come on.", she might still be angry with me but she knew that she cannot avoid me forever. Especially when she comes here with me. "What do you want to eat?", I asked as I took two plates for both of us.

The buffet table served variety of appetisers, drinks and desserts which barely touched despite the many people attending this event. It might be because it is still early. The main event will only begin in half an hour and there are still people on their way here.

"I just want some of these cocktails actually.", Chaeyoung said before she took one of the plates from me.

"What do you want? I'll get it for you...oh! Sorry.", I looked at the person hitting Chaeyoung's elbow on her left side.

"It's okay.", she said to that person.

"Isn't that..."

"Eunwoo, tell me what you want.", that person faced the man I recognised on her other side.

I saw Chaeyoung mouthed his name as her hand suddenly stopped moving.

"Eunwoo? Cha Eunwoo, hey..", I did not know if I did the right thing but I went on with smiling and giving my hand at him.

He looked a bit surprised to see me. His eyes showed even more concern when he caught Chaeyoung beside me. He was not even accepting my hand making me had to pull his hand for a handshake.

"Umm...I'm sorry. Who are you? You seem familiar but..."

"Jeon Jungkook. From JJ Corporation.", I introduced myself and then, shook hands with the woman beside Eunwoo.

"Ah, JJ Corporation. I know that company. It's..yours, is it?", she asked.

I shook my head, "It's my dad's. And you are?"

"Kim Dahyun, vice president of LKC Company and this is my partner for tonight, Cha Eunwoo.", she replied.

"Good to know you, Kim Dahyun-ssi. By the way, this is my girlfriend, Park Chaeyoung. We're both friends with Eunwoo actually.", I introduced the girls while Eunwoo seemed to be glaring at me.

"I see. You bring your girlfriend here.", Dahyun said with a smile before pulling Eunwoo's hand and linked it with hers. "I could only take my favourite staff with me.", she said with a little giggle.

I giggled back in response as I tried to take Chaeyoung's hand in mine but she pulled her hand behind her instead, "Excuse me, please."



Both me and Eunwoo called for her but she ignored us.

"I'm sorry.", I said before chasing Chaeyoung who was heading to the entrance of the hall. "Chaeyoung? Hey, Chaeyoung!", I managed to grab her hand and stopped her at the entrance. "Where are you going?", I asked her.

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