28: Fix

565 44 19

Park Chaeyoung's POV

It has been a hectic week for me at work. I was able to come to work half of the day on Monday but because of the hangover I experienced after drinking that night, I had to take a leave on Tuesday. I came back on Wednesday with a load of work to be done and also had to deal with Jungkook.

I was hoping not to see him that day but he came to my workplace in the evening to talk with me. I avoided him and kept myself busy until my working hour ended. Luckily he was asleep when I left to go home.

Then, he came again yesterday and I avoided him the whole day. There's no way I want to meet him when I still feel disappointed about what happened on Monday morning. Hopefully he does not show up today anywhere in front of me.

"Park Chaeyoung?", I looked at the direction I heard my name was called from.

I smiled as I saw the CEO of my workplace, Jeon Yeobin smiling at me.

"You had your lunch already?", she asked me.

I nodded before asking her the same question.

"Me too. Anyway, can I borrow your time, Chaeyoung?", I raised my eyebrows in confusion of her question. "Come with me to my office for a while, can you?", she asked me.

I slowly nodded before seeing the elevator I was waiting has opened.

"It's okay. Let's use the private one together.", she stopped me and pointed to the ones she always used.

"Ah, oh...okay.", I followed her to the elevator as she put her thumbprint on before the elevator is opened.

I slowly got inside and stood next to her as we go up to the office floor.

"Are you okay, Chaeyoung?", she asked me.

"What?", I did not know why but I found it hard to speak. Maybe I was nervous thinking for the reason she wanted to see me in her office. As far as I know, I've never been called to her office before. Did I do something wrong at work that she called me to her office now?

"I'm just being concerned, Chaeyoung. You took a sudden leave on Tuesday and came for work half day on Monday, right? I just want to know if something is not okay with you.", she explained.

I nodded at her concern, "I just...had a problem but not anymore. I'm all good now, boss."

She laughed, "Chaeyoung, just call me unnie. I thought Taehyung did his job well about the culture at Jeon's Atelier."

I smiled nervously, "He did. It's just...I'm not used to it yet, boss. Especially to call you unnie..."

She nodded, "Well, get used to it now. You'll be a part of Jeon's family soon, you have to practice calling me unnie now before you call Uncle Junghoon dad."

My eyes widened at her words.

"I know Jungkook is serious with you. Uncle said you two will get married in the end of next month.", she added.

"Ah...yes..", I forgot today is already October 1. How time flies...

"We're here. Come.", she said as the elevator opened to reveal the way to her office. "I hope you're not so nervous to go into my office. I know I never called you in before.", I shook my head and said that I'm not nervous but truthfully I lied.

I am nervous thinking what else she wanted to talk with me in here.

"Come in.", she said as she opened the door wider for me.

I quietly stepped in and followed her as she went to her table. I stopped when the chair in front of the table spinned around. I looked up to the face of the person sitting there.

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