29: To be Revealed

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Kim Seokjin's POV

I looked in amazement at how Namjoon worked on the computers in front of him. He seemed to be too occupied with it that I had to knock twice to get his attention. I showed a cup of latte to him before he unlocked the door of his room.

"I thought you won't come to see me anymore.", Namjoon said as he let me in.

Then, he went back to his designated chair and began typing speedily again. I watched him from the side and smiled at how great he was doing his work. I was glad Uncle Jeon brought him in to use his skills for good purpose.

"This latte is for you, Joon.", I said as I pushed the cup near his keyboard.

"Thanks, hyung.", he replied while focusing on the monitor full with words or language that I couldn't understand.

"How is it going with...your project?", I asked as I was not sure what he was typing so fast for.

He nodded with a smile, "It's still far from complete, hyung."

He took a deep breath before turning to face me, "But it's going good. No problem yet."

I nodded, "Tell me again what you're doing actually. I don't really understand what Uncle Jeon said about it."

I looked at the monitor and blinked a few times as I tried to understand those incomprehensible words on it. Namjoon laughed as he looked at me.

"I'm trying to create a program that can help people with different languages to communicate without any barrier. But, it's not just the languages like Korean, English or Mandarin. I'm going to make more than that.", he seemed enthusiastic about what he is doing. "Do you know what this is, hyung?", he made some signs using his hands.

"Sign language?", I asked.

He clapped his hands.

"I want people who don't understand sign language to easily communicate with people who uses it.", he said with a happy grin.

"Wow, and to do that, you're...doing whatever this is with the computers?", I pointed to the three monitors on the long table in front of us.

He nodded, "This is programming, hyung. I will write codes into the program so the computer understands what I'm doing and then, I will test run it..."

"No, no, don't explain it to me. I won't...understand a thing about that but I know this is going to be big. This is great, Joon.", I cut him off before he took a sip from the latte cup.

"Hyung, I might have left my investigator work but...may I know how Jungkook is? Has he figured out about uncle?", Namjoon asked.

I shook my head, "Uncle said he will tell Jungkook himself when the right time comes. You don't have to worry about it."

"How am I not worried? I left him unnoticed. I mean, I lied to him so I can leave the job he gave me and it's been a month like that he couldn't reach me. He will surely suspect something, hyung.", Namjoon stated his concern.

"I'm worried about it too before. But uncle said he'll handle it soon. Let's just leave it to him, Joonie.", I patted his shoulder before there was a knock on the door interrupting us.

Namjoon stood up with raised brows, "Oh, it's my team. Hyung, let me introduce them to you."

"Your team?", I asked as I stood up and followed him to the door.

"Hey, bro!!", I watched the snowy white haired man doing weird hand gestured with Namjoon which I believe is their secret handshake.

"Hey, hyung.", Namjoon greeted the other one with the same handshake but a little bit slower this time. This man seemed more relaxed than the white haired one. "Jin hyung, meet my team. J-Hope, the expert in developing software.", I waved but my hand was pulled before I was forced to do the same handshake I just watched earlier. "And this one is my programming mentor, Yoongi.", I had a normal handshake with him before Namjoon let them in into the room.

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