21: Hurt

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Park Chaeyoung's POV

I glanced at my watch for the fourth time. If I look at the board hanging above my head, the flight from Tokyo had landed here 15 minutes ago. However, I did not see any shadow of Jungkook. Yeri was not seen too.

"Did they take a later flight?", I asked myself. "Or...did he trick me?!", I thought negatively as Jungkook could be that person tricking me to come early when he might actually take another flight here.

Just when I was going to curse at that negative thought, I received a call from my father.

"Hello, dad.", I greeted him.

"Chaeyoung, where are you? Still at the airport?", he asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong, dad?", I asked him back.

"Chaeyoung, Jungkook..."

"Why, dad?"

"He...his father, Junghoon just called me."


"He said Jungkook got into an accident, Chae.", I did not believe what I heard so I asked him if he was joking. "I'm not joking. Uncle Jeon is on his way to the airport. You might see him there. He's going to visit Jungkook in Tokyo.", my father told me.

The paper bag in my hand almost dropped to the floor.

"Is it...serious?", I asked as I tried to hold my tears in.

"I don't know. Uncle Jeon hasn't said anything about it. When he called, he said Jungkook's in the operation room.", my father told me.

"O..okay, dad. I'll just wait for Uncle Jeon. Then, I'll head back home.", I said as I wanted to end the call quickly.

I don't want my father to hear me crying.

After the short call, I waited outside to see the vehicles coming easily. Not so long after that, I saw Jungkook's father walking into the airport with a fast pace. I called for him to stop.

"Chaeyoung, what are you doing here, my dear?", he asked as he looked at me.

"Ah, I was waiting for Jungkook actually. Then, I got a call from my dad.", I told him.

He nodded, "He's going to be okay. His doctor called me on my way here. It's only his leg that was injured. You don't have to worry, Chaeyoung."

I sighed in relief as I heard it from him.

"You should be at work right now, right?", he asked.

"I took half day, Uncle. I'll be at work in the afternoon.", I told him. "Ah, Uncle. Can you...bring this with you and give to Jungkook later? He asked for it when he comes back but it seems like he'll not be here today so...", I handed him the paper bag.

Uncle Jeon took it, "What's this?"

"Apple pie. He asked for that.", I told him.

"Okay. I'll make sure he eats it.", Uncle Jeon said with a warm smile. "I'll make a move first.", he added before we bid goodbye to each other.

I watched him go with a smile, "Hopefully you're okay there, Jungkook."


Jeon Jungkook's POV

I was drawing on the cast on my left leg when Yeri came in with some food in her hand. I smiled as I saw her. She kept a sad look on her face which made me feel bad.

"Hey...smile a bit, babe.", I said as I held her hand.

"How can I when I'm the reason you're here?", she replied in guilty tone.

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