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Cha Eunwoo's POV

After the long eight hours of flight, we finally stepped out on the ground of Honolulu International Airport together side by side. We have decided to come here since we found out Jungkook stayed here for almost two years now. He never came back to see us in Seoul so here we are visiting him in this city he said feels like home to him.

"Are you sure Jungkook said he'll pick us up from here?", Chaeyoung asked as she looked at me trying to call Jungkook to inform him we have arrived.

"Yeah, he totally heard me talking with uncle. He said he'll be here to get us.", I replied before my call is answered.

"Hey, Eun."

I smiled before responding, "Hey, Kook. We're here."

"Yeah, I can see you guys. Look a little more to the right, bro.", I did as told and saw him waving is hand at us.

"Yeah, okay. We'll go to you now.", I ended the call as I led Chaeyoung to meet Jungkook who has been waiting for us early in the morning at the airport.

When we reached him, Chaeyoung quickly gave him a hug before I joined in.

"I can't believe I'm actually seeing you after two years, Jungkook.", Chaeyoung said as she pulled back from him.

"I can't believe I'm actually seeing you two here, lovebirds.", he replied making both of us smiling at his words. "Anyway, tell me the truth. Why are you two here? Are you guys...eloping?", he added which made us widened our eyes at it.

Chaeyoung hit his shoulder as he laughed.

"That is a bad joke, Jungkook. We're here to visit you and have a holiday at the same time. We're not eloping.", she said as her voice lowered at the end.

"I'm just joking. Don't be so angry, Chaeyoung.", Jungkook replied before he asked us if we have had our breakfast yet.

I shook my head, "Certainly not yet. We planned to try something local here."

Jungkook clapped his hands.

"I know what you guys should try first in the morning. Come on, follow me.", he said as he took the bag that Chaeyoung carried with him.

Chaeyoung linked her arm with mine as we followed Jungkook to his car.

"I can't wait to see the beach here.", Chaeyoung said as we walked together.

"Me too but...do you know what I can't wait to see the most?", I asked her.


"You. In your swimsuit.", I whispered to her ear before she nudged my rib with her elbow.

"That will never happen, Eunu.", she said while shaking her head.

I laughed as I saw her blushing cheeks, "Doesn't hurt to try."

"Yeah, but not in public, baby.", she replied with a smile before I captured her lips with mine.

"Guys...", Jungkook's voice made us both pulled apart. "Uh...just ignore me. I'll just take your luggage into the back. Don't mind me.", he added which made us a bit embarrassed.

"I'll do it myself. Chae, you get inside first.", I said to him as he reached for my luggage.

He let go and just opened the trunk for me while Chaeyoung went inside the car. After I put our bags inside, Jungkook pulled the trunk to close and I apologized to him. He looked at me with a frown.

"Sorry for what?", he asked.

"For what you saw.", I answered.

He chuckled before patting my shoulder twice, "You guys are together. It's normal to see that happen between couples."

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