17: Thankful

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Cha Eunwoo's POV

I was going to the counter when someone hit me and made the snack in my hand fell to the ground. I wanted to take it back but accidentally hit my head with the person in front of me. It seemed like he wanted to help taking the snack back but I refused before I quickly reached for it.

"I got it. Thanks.", I said before bowing slightly and headed to the counter where got three people queueing up in front of me.

While waiting for my turn, I checked my phone and smiled at a message I received from my colleague, Jimin. He is a senior staff in the same department with me who is very friendly with everyone. As we are colleagues, the company provided place for us to stay close to the workplace and we can choose to stay there or not. As for me being a new staff and unfamiliar with Jeonju, I accepted the place they provided and Jimin who is from Busan also lives there.

He always makes me feel guilty everytime he asked to hang out on the weekend. I usually declined even though he said that there will be other colleagues joining us. But, this time I might agree to his invitation to the small gathering at his house.

When my turn to pay has come, I put the snack on the counter and let the cashier scan it before I realized I lost my wallet. I checked both sides of my pockets and even checked the ones at the back before someone tapped my shoulder.

"Is this yours?", there it is in his hand my old and shabby wallet.

"Ah, yes. Where did you find it, sir?", I tried to talk politely since he looked much older than I am with his grey beard seen on his face.

He handed me the wallet and asked me to check if anything is missing from it. I did as told and smiled at him as I told him nothing is missing. I thanked him before asking him to wait while I pay for the cashier. After that, I asked him how my wallet can be in his hand.

"There was someone bumped into you just now.", he said while we walked out of the store slowly.

"Yes, there was.", I replied with a nod.

"That's Jin, a bad boy in this neighbourhood who always bully and steal from people here.", he sounded angry as he told me about the man that bumped into me.

I nodded as I heard him telling me to be extra careful here before he asked if I am new here.

"Yeah, you can say that. I'm almost two months working here and I rarely go out so I don't know how the neighbourhood really is.", I told him.

He nodded before we stopped beside a dark green jeep at the roadside.

"Where do you stay? Come, I'll drop you off there.", he said as he patted my shoulder.

I looked at the jeep and back at him with shaking my head.

"It's fine. I can just walk there. It's not that far from here.", I politely declined his offer.

"Oh, come on. It's okay. I insist to help.", he said while I think of something else to say as an excuse.

It is not that I don't want to accept his help but he already helped me to get my wallet back. It felt wrong for me to accept another help from him.

"Don't worry. I mean no harm if you're worried I might do something to you. My name is Junghyuk.  Lee Junghyuk. What's yours, young man?", he raised his hand for a handshake so I held my hand up too.

"Eunwoo. Cha Eunwoo, sir.", I introduced myself as we shook hands.

He laughed a little as our hands still shaking, "Just call me uncle is enough, Eunwoo."

"O..okay.", I awkwardly said to him.

"Come. I'll send you home. Don't worry, I'm not like that Jin stealing from you. I'm just a friendly old man wanting to keep the neighbourhood safe for everyone especially someone new here like you. Let's go, okay?", he opened the door for me and lightly pushed me to go inside so I did get in eventually. "Tell me where you live. I'll drop you off there, Eunwoo.", he added before he closed the door.

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