22: Fake Feelings

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Cha Eunwoo's POV

My daily routine has been changing a lot since I got along with Jimin, Doyeon and Uncle Lee Junghyuk. Even my weekend started to be more productive for me in Jeonju. I have not think about coming back to Seoul so much but I did feel something is missing.

"Chaeyoung...are you okay?", I asked her as we had a phone call right now.

"Yeah. Why, Eunu? Do I sound not okay to you?", she replied.

I shook my head before responding, "No, I'm just...concerned."

I did not know why but since last weekend when she said she was in Jeonju, it was like the distance between us grew even further. After the call I got from her when I was at the ice rink, I tried to call her back a few times but none was answered. Later that night, she messaged me saying sorry that she did not say anything after the call ended. Turned out she was in Jeonju visiting someone and wanted to surprise me. That was what she said that night.

However, I felt like she was avoiding me since then. Even though this is just the second call we had since that day, I could feel how she seemed different than how she usually is when we talked. She seemed uninterested or just sad, I'm not sure actually.

"Eunu, I'm okay. This is the second time you asked me. Are you worried that much about me?", a small laugh was heard from her.

I smiled as I knew I never asked more than once if she is okay unless I know she really is not okay and tried to hide it from me. However, now I don't know if she hides her true feelings or not. Only if she agreed to have a video call, I might see how she really looks like when she talks to me.



"Did you hear what I said?", I blinked in confusion. Did I miss anything she said? "I said I'm sleepy, Eunwoo. And tomorrow I have an important meeting in the morning. I'm saying goodbye right now, okay?", she added as I glanced at the clock on the wall.

10.40 PM.

I nodded, "Okay, Chae. I'm sorry I didn't realized it's past your usual bedtime. You can go to sleep."

Then, I heard her little yawn on the phone which made me slightly smiling at it. I missed seeing her yawn in lectures beside me. Maybe I can check out the old photos I took of her candidly later.

"Okay, Eunu..Bye.."

"Good night, Chae.", I said to her before she hangs up on me. "You're not really okay, Chaeyoung..", I said after I made sure the call ended.

My curiosity of her became bigger after the call. She sounded different. She always was the one to wish me good night first. Now, she hung up without replying back to me. Was she intentionally doing that to distant herself from me?


Park Chaeyoung's POV

Taehyung seemed surprised to know I did not know about Jungkook's birthday. He looked at me as if I was a bad girlfriend to his friend. But even if he thinks that way, I won't really deny it I think.

"Chaeyoung, are you really his girlfriend? How come you don't know about his birthday this Wednesday?", he whispered as he brought his chair beside me again my cubicle.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Err....we haven't been together that long."

"Still..you should've known this basic info about him.", he said to me.

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