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Park Chaeyoung's POV

I was excitedly watching the view outside of the bus until I saw the familiar green building that will be my destination. When the bus stopped, I thanked the bus driver and walked out to the green building on my right side. The smile on my face grew wider as I got near to my destination.

When I reached the entrance, I peeked on the direction of the cash counter where I can see the staff in green cap scanning the items that a customer bought. I grinned as I entered the convenience store and went to pick some snacks at the snack section.

When the customer he served went out, I peeked at him again and found that he did not realized my appearance here. With silent steps, I made my way to the counter while he arranging the products behind the counter. I slowly put my Super Ring snacks and two cartons of banana milk on the counter table.

Then, I raised my hands to scare him but he turned around quickly with a smile on his face.

"I know you're here, Chaeyoung.", he said which made me pouting while he took my snacks to scan.

"So, you pretended to be busy?", I asked him.

He smiled, "I am always busy."

I kept my pouty face as he put the things I bought in a paper box for me. When he wanted to say the amount I have to pay, he paused as I already took my bank card out for him to swipe. He looked at it and chuckled at me.

"What?", I asked in confusion.

"It's only 5200 won, Chae. Don't you have cash with you?", I shook my head. "Unbelievable.", he said shortly before taking the card from my hand.

"Eunu, are you free tonight?", I asked him with a big smile on my face.

However, he simply shook his head at my question.

"Ah, why??? You can't be working here all day long. You need rest too. Don't you feel tired?", I whined as he gave me back my bank card.

" second for me. Work is first. You know why I work hard, right?", he replied.

I nodded, "I know but...we just graduated, Eunwoo. Don't you need some time to relax after a hard work in college and working here at the same time?"

I knew how hardworking Cha Eunwoo is since high school until now. Especially after his mother died and he lived alone. I admired his strength to survive in life without anyone's help. Plus, I like his principle of working hard to achieve his dream but sometimes I feel he is overdoing it to the point that he could hurt himself.

I did not hear what he responded to me but I felt his hand patting on my shoulder gently.

"There's a customer behind you.", he said while pointing behind me.

I apologized and stepped aside to give way for the customer. Once we are left alone again, I put one of the banana milk on the counter back. He frowned at my action.

"That one's for you.", I said as I pushed it towards him.

Eunwoo shook his head before thanking me and took the banana milk from the counter.

"Eunwoo-ya, are you really not free tonight?", I asked him while blinking a few times to get his pity on me.

"No, I'm working.."

"Here?", I cut him off.

He shook his head.

"Where? You do two jobs now?", I asked as I only knew him working here at this convenience store since college. And I only knew he works for the day shift so it became my curiosity as where he works at night.

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