31: You're Mine

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Cha Eunwoo's POV

I was waiting for Chaeyoung outside her hotel room when I heard loud footsteps coming towards me. As I turned to see the owner of the noisy footsteps, I was greeted by the furious face of Jungkook who grabbed the collar of my shirt harshly as he reached me. I told myself to keep calm as our eyes started giving death glares to each other quietly.

"Why are you here in front of my girlfriend's room?", he asked in a low tone.

I rolled my eyes at his choice of word to describe Chaeyoung.

"I'm asking you!", he pushed me a little but I let his hand messing my shirt.

"I'm waiting for her to pack her things.", I said before he looked away probably thinking why Chaeyoung suddenly wanted to leave. "Now, can I ask you what did you do to my best friend?", it was my turn to question him as he loosened his hold on my shirt.

His eyes met my eyes back as I asked him that question.

"What did I do to her?", he repeated.

I nodded, "She cried outside the hall. What happened before that?"

Jungkook scoffed at me, "She was about to cry after she saw you in the hall. Now, you're asking me what did I do?"

I frowned at his statement. "She almost cried after seeing me?", now I am the one repeating what he said.

"Don't ask me why. I don't know that but what I want to know now is..."

"I'm done, Eun...what is he doing here?", Chaeyoung suddenly appeared from the door glaring as she saw Jungkook in front of me.

"Chaeyoung..", Jungkook turned around to talk to Chaeyoung but she put her hand up.

"I'm going back to my house with Eunwoo.", she said to him as she held her duffel bag in her right hand.

Jungkook looked shocked as he looked at the bag hanging beside her.

"Chae, why so sudden?", he asked as he shook her wrist lightly. "Did I do something wrong to you?", he added.

"If I say yes, will you let me go now?", Chaeyoung asked him back.

"Tell me what I did to you until you want to leave me like this.", he replied. "Please, Chaeyoung..", I did not know why I felt awkward with the scene but maybe I should give them some space for themselves for a while.

"Let's talk inside.", I was stepping away when I saw Chaeyoung pulling his hand taking him inside the hotel room. "Eunu, give me a minute please.", she managed to say to me before she closed the door shut.

Jeon Jungkook's POV

I was glad Chaeyoung still wanted to talk with me after what happened. I was unable to relax in the hall when she did not pick up my calls. I got even more worried after I received a message from an unknown number telling me Chaeyoung was leaving with a man.

As much as I wanted to be a good person in the formal event, I could not be patient anymore after I received another message from the same number. It said that Chaeyoung was on her way to the hotel we stayed and that was it. I left the event to go after her.

"Do you really not know what you've done?", Chaeyoung's cold tone made me hardly find a word to speak.

I was clueless to what I had done to her now. I thought I was doing alright tonight in attempt to fix our relationship. What did I miss that she suddenly got angry with me again?

"Jungkook, don't waste my time. Answer my question.", she said to me.

"I...I don't know why you're angry right now, Chaeyoung.", I replied while trying hard to think of where I did wrong to her.

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