5: Have Fun

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Cha Eunwoo's POV

I bowed down at 90° angle to each corners of the stage after I finished my last song. Myungjun whose nickname is MJ and also the owner of Space Aroha Club walked up to the stage clapping at me. He smiled before he took the microphone and spoke to the audience while I put the guitar I played back on its place.

"Ladies and gentlemen, that is Cha Eunwoo with his final show tonight. Give him a big round of applause! Come on..", before he speak further, I politely asked for the microphone from him.

He gave it to me and I smiled to the crowd before I said hello to them. I saw Chaeyoung's friends at one corner of the club but Chaeyoung was not with them. She might be at the toilet since I was sure I saw her during performing earlier.

"Thank you, everyone. For listening and watching me every Saturday night here. Um...I'm not really good at talking actually but...I really want to say that I appreciate everyone here especially MJ hyung and Jinjin hyung. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to perform here. If I have the chance, I will come here again to perform. That is if you guys allow me to.", I smiled at the end of my words.

"Yah, Eunwoo! Of course we allow you here. Anytime!", Jinjin said from the front seat.

I chuckled at him before my eyes caught the familiar figure walking back to where her friends were sitting at.

"Well, that is all. Thank you again, everyone.", I gave the microphone back to Myungjun before I headed to the backstage.

I was not sure if Chaeyoung heard everything that I said on the stage. But if she did not hear it, her friends might still tell her about it.

I slapped my cheeks while walking through the hallway at the back to the entrance.

"Eunwoo!", I stopped at the voice that came from my left.

I turned around and there she is with her three best friends forever walking towards me.


"Don't 'hey' me. What was that about on the stage?", she asked as she stopped in front of me.

"What?", I asked innocently at her.

Her friends chuckled at my failed innocent acting while she pouted at me.

"Chae, we'll leave you two here, okay?", said the one with bangs while kissing Chaeyoung's cheek.

"We see you next time, Chaengie.", the eldest whose name is Jisoo said to her after giving her a side hug.

"See you. Oh, and you, Eunwoo. Great performance back there. Byeee.", the other one said before leaving.

I smiled at the three of them as I watched them leaving. Then, I looked back at Chaeyoung who remained quiet in front of me.

"What?", I asked her.

"Fine if you don't want to tell me. I won't ask you again.", she crossed her arms which made me chuckled at her reaction.

"Ask me again.", I told her. "Come on, ask me, Chae.", I repeated while putting my arm around her shoulder. "Hey..", I added while patting her shoulder lightly.

"Why did you say those things on the stage?", she finally asked again.

I smiled as she looked at me quietly, "It's...nothing."

Chaeyoung clicked her tongue and pushed my arm away from her shoulder before walking away from me. I was stunned with her reaction but I caught up with her again and stopped her movement by standing in front of her. She remained having her grumpy expression on me.

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