12: Happening

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Cha Eunwoo's POV

I kept on glancing at my watch every time I get the chance to do so. The loud noise surrounding me was indeed disturbing but I could not leave just like that. It would be rude if I leave first especially when I am the newest staff in the company.

But I did feel a bit regretful to join the company dinner today. It was my first time getting invited so I tried to participate in it. Never knew I would get dragged to the karaoke club after the dinner.

"Eunwoo oppa, come on stand up and dance!", Doyeon who was joining our department team having a karaoke asked me.

I smiled and shook my head to her, "It's okay. I don't know how to dance, Doyeon-ssi."

"Oh, come on. I can teach you some moves.", she grabbed my left hand and pulled me to stand up.

I tried to stay put on the sofa but eventually got dragged to where the others were dancing and singing. Doyeon was showing me her dance moves while I stood like a statue in front of her. Just when she asked me to copy her movement, I felt a vibration coming from my pants.

I put my hand into the pocket and took out my phone. It showed Chaeyoung's name on the screen and her face on the background. I wanted to answer her right away but I realized how noisy it was in this karaoke room.

"Doyeon-ssi, I'm sorry. I have to take this. Sorry.", I excused myself and went out from the karaoke room.

As I got outside, I missed the call from Chaeyoung and looked at the time right now when she called me. It has passed 10 and she usually goes to sleep before 11. Why did she call me? And why did she not try again? I waited for a minute but no second call from her so I dialled her number instead.


"Hey, Chaeyoung."

"Eunwoo? Oh, hey, Eunu."

I frowned slightly at her reply. "You sounded like you didn't know who called you.", I said to her as I leaned against the wall next to the karaoke room where my department team is having fun inside..

"Oh, no..it's just that I didn't realized it's you who's calling. I was in the bathroom when I heard my phone.", she told me.

"I thought you already expecting me since I didn't answer your call just now.", I shook my head as I glanced at my watch.

Chaeyoung responded with expressing how she almost forgotten that she called me earlier before laughing it off on the other side.

"Seriously, Chae? You don't remember why you called me before you go to sleep?", I asked.


"Eunwoo oppa, come back inside. Come on...", Doyeon showed up at the door beside me interrupting my call with Chaeyoung.

I had to tell her to give me a minute before she went inside back.

"Sorry, Chaeyoung. What did you say just now?", I talked with Chaeyoung again after Doyeon left me.

"Oh, nothing. I forgot it already. Anyway..Eunu, where are you? Why did it sound noisy there?", Chaeyoung asked me.

I took a few steps away from the karaoke room to talk to her. I explained that I was at a company dinner before I came here with my department team.

"Sounds like a good Friday night you're having there.", she replied after that.

"Hmm..kind of but I regret it a bit.", I told her.

"Why?", she asked me.

I sighed, "I was planning to take the night train to Seoul but I'm stuck here so..."

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