9: Know Better

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Jeon Jungkook's POV

I emptied the whole bottle and asked for another one from the bartender. I never drank alone like this but I cannot help it. I asked Yeri to accompany me but she had other things to attend to. I asked my friends but they have their own things to do too. Therefore, here I am ended up alone in this club drinking away my stress.

If Chaeyoung was the easy type to agree, I am sure I will not be this stressed out here. Why can't she just go along with what I asked of her? It's not like she has a boyfriend or something.

"Or she has?", I asked myself as I took the new bottle from the bartender.

"It can't be.", I answered it myself before my phone vibrated on the table.

I checked the name on the screen and sighed at it. Namjoon who is in Jeonju is calling me. What does he have for me at night like this?

"Yes, hyung...", I said as I answered his call.

"Jungkook, where are you?", he asked.

I smiled, "Why are you asking? It's not like you can come here and see me." He is two hours away from here, did he call out of concern?

"Yeah, I can't come over there but tell me where you are.", he replied so I told him my exact location. "Jungkook, if this is about your father's secret here, you better stop drinking now.", he told me.

I frowned, "Why? Do you have good news to share about it with me?"

He sighed, "No, not yet but you can't be drinking just because of this."

I nodded, "Hmm...no. I'm not drinking because of him."

"What? Then, why? You only go out to drink like this if you have something up in your mind.", I smiled at his concerned tone. I should have not asked him in the group chat. Now, he knows everyone is busy and I still choose to go out for drinking alone.

"It's okay, hyung. Even if I tell you..."

"Yah, just tell me! Don't make me worry or I'll really drive to that club and drag you home.", he cut me off.

I laughed. He is still protective like when we were in school.

"Yah, Jungkook. Don't laugh, okay?"

"Okay, okay. It's about...a girl.", I told him.

He sounded a bit surprised, "Huh, a girl? The way you said it like it's not Yeri you are talking about."

He knew about me and Yeri in a relationship so I get it if he is surprised.

"Yeah, it's not her.", I admitted.

"Yah, who is this girl? You are not cheating on Yeri, right?", he asked.

I shook my head and said to him, "There is this girl...who gives me headache. I don't understand how she refused to do as I say easily. Like...she doesn't even think and just said no to me."

"Wait, wait...what did you ask her to do though? And again I'm asking you, who is she, Kook?", Namjoon asked me.

I shook my head again, "I can't tell you anything. I'm sorry. Bye, hyung.."

I ended the call even though Namjoon was shouting at me not to end it like that. Then, I sent a text to him telling him that I am alright. I turned off my phone after and continued drinking.

Park Chaeyoung's POV

I closed my eyes to sleep but my mind was bothering me this late hour. It should have been easy if I did not check my phone and read Jungkook's text that he sent me after I left his house.

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