Alternate Chapter 37: Lucky

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Cha Eunwoo's POV

Cha Taehyun, the father I know.

My mom used to tell me that he is not my biological father. He was just a friend to my biological father whose name is Lee Jungkyu. I tried to ask her for a photo of my biological father but she said she had none of them. I never approached her again about it until she too, left me alone in this world.

When I met Uncle Jeon few months ago, I did not suspected him to be my father. I am such a fool. Even when he introduced his name as Lee Junghyuk, I did not suspected him to be related to me. I am a real fool. I should have tried to find my biological father.

"Why does it have to be him though?", I sighed as I ruffled my hair into a mess.

I cannot be brothers with Jungkook. We will fight with each other even more than now. Worst case scenario, my friendship with Chaeyoung could be in a bad situation too if she really marries him.


The sound of bell ringing interrupted me.

"Who could have-"

"Eunu?", her voice and another bell rang made me stood up from the sofa.

"What's Chaeyoung doing here?", I walked to the front door and opened it.

"Hey, Eunwoo..", Chaeyoung said as she smiled a little.

"Chaeyoung, what are you doing here?", I asked right away.

I have no mood to see anyone at the moment. She should not be here.

"Chaeyoung?", I called her name again as it seemed awkward that she did not respond earlier.

She cleared her throat and then, asked me, "Eunu, can with you?"

I looked at her quietly before opening my mouth, "Did he send you here to talk with me?"

Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows at it.

"Uncle Lee..or...whatever his name is. Did he send you here-", I stopped as Chaeyoung shook her head in response.

"I came here because I wanted to. Why both of you think...", she paused before she smiled briefly. "Of course you think the same. You're family after all.", she said softly.

"Who think the same like me? Jungkook? No, we're not family.", I replied coldly.

"Eunwoo, Uncle Jeon Junghoon...who you know as Uncle Lee, he wasn't like who you thought. I've talked to him and he told me everything. Now will you let me explain everything to you?", Chaeyoung said to me. "I know you will not want to see him anytime soon so let me just be the one to tell you everything. Please..", she added as she tried to touch my hand.

I pulled away and she stopped reaching for my hand.

"You didn't deny me saying Jungkook isn't blood related with me and now you tell me his father isn't like who I thought. What are you trying to say really, Chae?", I asked her.

"That's why you need to listen to the whole thing, Eunu. Can I...come in? Or let's both of us talk outside.", she replied.

I looked at her without a word.

"I just don't want you to close the door on me if we talk here at the door.", Chaeyoung said with a small pout.

I hate it. I hate when she makes that face to me.

"Come in.", I finally gave in to the sympathy I had for her and gave her way to come inside my apartment.

She followed me and thanked me before we reached the living room.

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