20: Away

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Kim Seokjin's POV

I watched Uncle Jeon sticking his fake grey beard on his face without saying a word. He told me that today he will reveal his true self to Eunwoo at dinner. It had been three weeks since he disguised himself to get to know that young man. It seemed they got along well even for a short time.

"Uncle, are you sure of this?", I asked him as I felt it is still too soon for him to tell Eunwoo the truth.

He turned around to face me and nodded confidently, "I want to do this as soon as I can. After Jungkook got back from Tokyo, I will tell him too. Then, I can give what belongs to Eunwoo as soon as possible. I don't feel right keeping it longer from him. Plus, with Jungkook suspecting me of something I don't do, I know I have to solve this issue quickly."

I nodded, understood of his reasonings.

"But don't you want to wait for me to find out who is spying on you? I mean...I literally told you someone hired an investigator to find information about you.", I told him.

"I told you it could be my son. Jungkook must've done that to find out about Lee Jiah and me. Don't worry about it. After he gets back here on Wednesday, I'll tell him everything. You don't have to find out who is spying on me, Jin.", he replied calmly.

"I'm just worried.", he patted my head when I said that to him.

"Stop worrying, Jin. You're still young, you shouldn't worry much about me. I don't have enemies that you should worry about for me.", he said and I could only smile at him in return.

That is how Uncle Jeon is. He always worry and concerns about others but he doesn't like others to worry about him. He has been like a father to me and the other kids at the orphanage he founded. Namjoon is one of the kids that adore him like me. I wondered why he investigated on Uncle Jeon. I hope Uncle Jeon is right that it is just Jungkook that hired Namjoon to do that.


Cha Eunwoo's POV

While waiting for Uncle Lee to come to this restaurant near the river, I went to check my social media app and saw the photo Chaeyoung posted once again. I have seen it last night and it seemed to appear again on top of my feed but now, with some comments under it.

lalisalalala: Girlll, I'm jealous!

jisookim0103: I'm not jealous but I want to go there with someone like this too!!

jenjennie: I'm happy for you, wifey! 😉

bambam7: Chaeyoung and the heir of JJ Corporation?! Wow!

taehyung_v: You two look good together 😍😍

I sighed as I read them all. Chaeyoung did not reply to any of the comments and there was no caption at all for the photo. But from those comments, it seemed like her girl best friends knew about her relationship with that man. Should I comment too, asking like Jaehyun did?

I stared long at the photo before I typed out a comment, "I wonder who is that too.."

"Eunwoo?", I turned as I saw Uncle Lee patting my left shoulder from the back.

I put down my phone on the table and stood up to greet him. We shook hands and got ourselves seated again before we order the food for our dinner. Uncle Lee has been wanting to treat me to dinner since two weeks ago after I helped him with his jeep's spare tire. He said he wanted to pay back for my help so I agreed when he asked me yesterday.

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