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Cha Eunwoo's POV

We were left alone by Chaeyoung's friends when I asked if I can join them at the table. Chaeyoung seemed like she wanted to go with them but they told her to stay. I knew she was still angry with me for leaving her here to work in Jeonju two weeks ago.

I have been looking at her as I sat opposite her since they left us. I wanted to talk with her but I did not know what to say. I have apologized many times after she left me that night but she never responded to any of my texts.

She seemed so quiet and it made the surrounding awkward for both of us. Just when I wanted to open my mouth, Chaeyoung cleared her throat and looked up to face me. A smile formed on her face before she asked me what I was doing here.

"I'm meeting MJ just now.", I answered her.

"I see.."

"What about you, Chae?", I asked her back.

"Just hung out with the girls. Jennie unnie will leave us for a month so...", I nodded to her answer and we went silent again for a minute.

Now, it was my turn to clear my throat and spoke to her.

"Are you still angry..."

"No. Umm..I mean I'm not...angry anymore. To think back, I was overreacting that time. Don't you think so, Eunwoo?", she was quick to answer my question now.

I smiled, "I don't blame you for reacting that way. I deserved it."

"No, you don't and I'm sorry. I was too emotional and I didn't think ahead before leaving you that night. Sorry...Eunu.", I nodded to every words she said. "Will you forgive me?", she asked.

I shook my head and gave a cold gaze towards her.


I shook my head again while maintaining the cold expression on my face.

"Umm...it's fine. My fault. I didn't respond to any of your texts and I get it if you're the one angry with me now...", I cut her off as I pinched both of her cheeks with a smile. "Oww, Eunwoo....", Chaeyoung whimpered as she pulled my hands away from her cheeks.

I chuckled, "Don't you know I can't get angry with you, Chae?"

She pouted as she rubbed her cheeks, "Who knows my best friend might have a change of heart after leaving me?"

I shook my head, "I left for two weeks, Chae. Who would have a change of heart in such a short time?"

Chaeyoung shrugged her shoulders.

"I know I won't so don't worry. I still remember you and this Seoul city. My home is still here.", I assured her.

"Hmm, talking about that, why...are you here? I mean...you've got a job in Jeonju.."

I nodded and began replying, "I stay there for work only. My home is still here at that apartment on top of the old building."

"You mean...you didn't exactly move out from Seoul?", Chaeyoung asked.

"Yeah. Furthermore, I had most of my life here. With my mom, you, the apartment and the part time jobs. All are here.", I told her.

"So, you came here on weekends?", she asked.

I said yes to it. "But I didn't come back last week. I had to clean up the apartment the company provided for me last weekend.", I told her even though it was unnecessary.

"I didn't ask.", she replied before giggling which made me reacted the same. "But it sounds like you're treated nicely by that company. What company is it and what is your role there, Eunwoo?", she asked.

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