3: Decision

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Cha Eunwoo's POV

I just stepped out from the taxi when I saw Chaeyoung's back from the street I was dropped off at. I wanted to text her that I have arrived but I smiled as I felt no need for that now. I put my phone back into my pants and walked to the chair she was sitting at.

Reaching the chair, I tapped on her right shoulder and quickly sat down on her left side.

"Who...", she paused as her head turned to my direction.

I gave her a smile and greeted her, "Hello, Chaeyoung."

"Eunwoo!!", she wrapped her arms around me as if we have not seen each other for a long time.

I chuckled at her as she slowly pulled away from her sudden hug.

"What's wrong with you? It's not like we haven't met for a year, Chae.", I told her as I saw her pouty lips forming.

"I know but that doesn't mean I can't give you a hug.", she said before reminding me we have not meet for four days and she had all the right to hug me because I was the one who keep delaying to meet her.

"I'm sorry. You know I do multiple jobs, right? At the convenience store every day, Space Aroha, Hanlim Coffee Shop, oh and the latest one, I do part time delivery for Pasta-gio. Your favourite pasta restaurant.", I told her as she handed me a paper bag.

"Your jacket. I've cleaned it and made sure it didn't smell like whiskey.", she told me so I practically sniffed it briefly. "Smells like usual, right?", she added.

I smiled, "Like usual?"

She nodded, "Smells like...your smell. Your usual perfume. I don't know what it's called." Her rosy cheeks made me smile. "Anyway, thanks for the jacket and for taking me to Lisa's place that night.", she added in an attempt to change the topic about the smell.

I nodded and put the paper bag beside me. "Speaking of that night...what actually happened?", I have been wanting to ask her that since that night but I held it in till today. She must have not been ready to speak about it that time. Probably now is the right time for me to ask about it.

"What? Oh..umm....it's just an unlucky day for me. Hmm..", she sounded like she was hiding something from me which is very unlikely of her.

"Chae...I know I rarely ask you to tell me anything but I cannot let it slide just like that. You were drunk that night and alone at some club faraway from home. Don't you want to tell me anything about it?", I tried to persuade her. "That was the first time I saw you drink. As your best friend, I think I have the right to know why you got wasted that night.", I added just to make her feel guilty of hiding something from me.

"You can't be asking me to meet you here just so you can give me my jacket back. You have something in your mind you want to share with me, isn't it?", I kept trying to make her talk with me about whatever it is that bothering her mind right now.

I heard a low sigh from her before she turned her face to look at me. I smiled before asking her to start speaking with me again.

Park Chaeyoung's POV

Eunwoo is right. I met him tonight not only to give him back his jacket. I had other reason to meet him even though it was quite late right now.

I needed his advice.

"Come on, spill.", he nudged my shoulder lightly and gave me another smile that managed to ease my troubled mind.

I nodded to him and began to speak, "I...need an advice but before that, please don't ask me about that night. Please.."

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