13: "I Love You"

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Cha Eunwoo's POV

Another day, another challenge. I have to admit that things are going pretty well for me here after almost a month. However, the only part where things did not go well for me is when I meet the Chairman's daughters. They seemed to be too friendly with me which made me a bit uncomfortable with them.

Almost every day I will meet them at the elevator in the morning. Almost every day I bumped into them during lunch and they intimidated the friends I made here when they joined me. Almost every day too, I had to declined their kindness to fetch me home after I finish working.

Today was not an exception. It was raining when I waited for the bus to come. I was not familiar with the black luxury car that stopped at the bus stop but I could guess who is inside. It's either the eldest daughter, Dahyun or the younger one, Doyeon.

"Hi, Eunwoo-ssi.", so it was the elder one now.

"Hi, Dahyun-ssi.", I politely replied from the bus stop.

She opened the door of the car and told me to enter which I refused as civil as I can.

"Oh, come on. It's alright. My father doesn't mind too. Right, dad?", Dahyun said before I saw the Chairman's head from the opened window at the front seat.

So, this is the Chairman's car.

"Ah, hello, Chairman Kim. I didn't know you're there.", I greeted him with a little bow.

Luckily there was nobody else at the bus stop right now or I am sure they will talk about this later.

"Cha Eunwoo from Marketing Department, am I right?", he asked me.

I nodded at him as I got curious of how far he knows about me. I mean...I am just a new staff in his company and it could be impossible for him to know me unless his daughters talk about me to him.

"Come on in, son. It's okay. We'll drop you off on our way. It's the same direction anyway.", he said before asking his chauffeur to take an umbrella for me.

I shook my head and quickly ran to the opened door on the backseat. Before I enter, I asked if it is really okay for me to get in his car. He nodded with a smile to assure me it's alright so I stepped in before the rain got worse.

"Eunwoo-ssi, stay still.", I turned to my left to see Dahyun moving closer to me.

I automatically stepped back before she froze and chuckled.

"Appa, look at how shy he is. I'm just trying to wipe the water on his head. He's stepping back from me.", Dahyun said as she gave me the tissue that was in her hand.

"T..thanks.", I replied slowly.

"Eunwoo, don't be scared of my daughter. She's not going to harm you.", the Chairman said to me.

I nodded while slowly wiping the rain water that made my hair wet.

"I'm sorry, sir. I just...don't want you to misunderstand anything.", I told him.


"Uh, yeah. I'm worried you might think I have any relationship with your daughter.", I said to him.

He laughed a little, "Don't be scared, Eunwoo. I know it's not like that."

"Appa, should we go for dinner first before we go home?", Dahyun asked after.

"Sure but we have to drop Eunwoo off first.."

"Oh, what if we let him join us? After that, we send him home.", I shook my head to her.

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