36: Follow Your Heart

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Park Chaeyoung's POV

"Go, follow your heart.", that was what Uncle Jeon said after he explained everything to me.

I decided not to leave before he told me everything so now here I am a few meters away from the man that was sitting down on the sand at the beach.

When I was walking to him, a man came to me and tilted his head down as our eyes met.

"He's been like that for half an hour.", he said to me. "I'm Jin, by the way.", he added with a smile.

I smiled back and tilted my head as I remembered who he was. Uncle Jeon said that he sent a man to watch over his son so that was how I knew where I was going to. I thanked him before I excused myself to see the lonely person sitting while hugging his knees on the sand.

I made sure to not make any sound as I walked to him. When I was sure that he remained sitting with his head down on his knees, I sat beside him and looked at him. He was probably crying. I suddenly felt wrong to come here to see him.

"Jungkook..", I called softly, hoping that he will not be shocked or scold me for disturbing him.

His shoulders flinched at it but he kept his head down.

"Jungkook, it's me, Chaeyoung here.."

"What are you doing here, Chaeyoung?", he asked without lifting his head up.

"I'm here to talk with you.", I answered him.

He lifted his head and looked at me. I saw dried tears on his face. He really cried.

"Chaeyoung, if you come here because my dad send you, just forget it. I want to be alone right now.", he put his head down after saying this.

I shook my head even thought he was not looking at me. "I came because I decided to, not because anyone else asked me to.", I told him.

"Really? Then, how did you find me here?", he looked at me as he asked me that question.

I gave him a quick smile, "Your dad..." He looked away as I said that to him. "He loves you so much, do you know that?", I continued.

"No, he doesn't.", he replied.

I nodded, "He loves you, Jungkook. He sent a man to watch over you. That's how I know you're here."

"That doesn't mean he loves me.", he was still with his cold tone speaking to me.

"Yes, he does. You should stay and listen to what he was going to tell you.", I tried to tell him.

"No, Chaeyoung! You don't know anything. Don't tell me to listen to him!", he stood up after raising his voice at me.

I stood up too and repeated my words as I chased him. He stopped and looked at me with a tear streaming down his cheek. I tried to continue talking but I couldn't.

"Do you know why I come here, Chaeyoung?", he asked me with eyes full of tears.

I shook my head in respond.

"Because my mom always bring me to the beach when she's sad. But, she was sad because she was sick, she couldn't live long.", he said while holding himself from bursting out into tears. "Me...I came here because I'm sad and I'm sick. I'm sick of having a father like my dad. I hate him.", he added before I reached for his eyes and wiped the tears with my sleeves.

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