Alternate Chapter 36: Truth Told

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Park Chaeyoung's POV

"Eunwoo, he's your best friend, right? I know you're close with him.", Uncle Jeon's words made me a little nervous inside.

What did he mean he knows I'm close with Eunwoo?

"Um..uncle, he's just my best friend.", I tried to tell him but I sounded unconvincing. It's bad.

"Do you like him more than as a friend, Chaeyoung?", he asked me.

His eyes looked at me softly. He did not seem mad if I say the truth to him. He looked at me like he will say that he is fine if I choose to go to Eunwoo instead of Jungkook. But then, how about Jungkook? He is clearly not fine now, I wonder where he went to.

"I can see the way you look at him, Chaeyoung. You have feelings for your best friend."

"Uncle, can we...put that aside first? I'm sorry but...may I know what just happened earlier? Why was Jungkook got angry and both of them left?", I tried to divert the conversation back to the issue between the two young men that just left us here at this mansion-house building.

Uncle Jeon nodded before asking me to follow him to the other part of the house that is probably the living room. As we reached there, I looked at him taking out something from the drawer under the coffee table. It looked like a photo album as he brought it and sit on the nearest sofa.

"Here, Chaeyoung.", he patted the empty space beside him and I sat down as he opened the photo album.

Then, he handed me a photo of two men sitting side by side with big smiles on their faces. I looked at it, observing their faces and found that they are twins and...

"Uncle, is this you and...", I pointed to the one at the right side in the photo and Uncle Jeon chuckled a little.

"I'm on the left one.", he corrected me.

"Oh, so..."

"That's Jeon Jungwoon, my twin brother.", he revealed.

"Jungkook doesn't know about him?", I asked.

Uncle Jeon shook his head, "He never had a chance to meet his uncle. My brother passed away when Jungkook and Eunwoo were just three years old."

I realized something off so I continued asking, "Did Eunwoo take his mother's last name? Shouldn't he be a Jeon too?"

A nod was given to me, "It's a little complicated but I'll let you know since you're about to be a part of our family no matter who you choose between them."

I slightly felt bad about his words.

"My brother, Jeon Jungwoon..he changed his name to Lee Jungkyu after our father threw him out of the family. He was in love with a poor girl and our father despised it. When I agreed to marry Jungkook's mom who's a daughter of a business partner to our company, my brother disagreed to the girl chosen for him and left with Eunwoo's mom. He went to Jeonju to start a new life with her, married her without the elder Jeon's blessing and built a company with his two friends there. Just a year after they built the company, Eunwoo was born. I kept in touch with my brother through phone call even though our father had warned me not to associate with him anymore. I had a photo of Eunwoo when he was born but I didn't know anything else about Jungwoon's family in Jeonju."

I gave a nod as he stopped. I knew there was more to this story. I still have not gotten the answer to my question about Eunwoo's last name.

"When Eunwoo turned three, he died because of brain aneurysm. Rumours said that he overworked and stressed at work. His two friends, his of them felt guilty so he decided to marry Eunwoo's mom to take care of her and Eunwoo. That's how Lee Dongmin became Cha Eunwoo this day.", he continued.

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