18: Red-Handed

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Park Chaeyoung's POV

I was waiting for the elevator when someone greeted good morning to me. With rolling eyes, I turned to the person beside me and I greeted him back with an expressionless look. His eyes narrowed at me before I turned away to the front where the elevator came at that time.

We went inside and stood side by side as usual whenever we met at the hallway waiting for the elevator.

"Are you alright, Chaeyoung?", he asked in a low voice.


"You don't sound alright.", he said.

"I am alright, Jungkook.", I replied without facing him.

"Is it the time of the..."

"No, just shut up.", I told him as I put my forefinger in front of my lips to tell him to be quiet.


Jungkook stayed quiet until I arrived at my floor where he also followed me walking out of the elevator. I ignored him but he made me stop when I almost reached the entrance of Jeon's Atelier. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back a little away from others' sight.

"Jungkook, what's wrong with you?", I asked in a low volume.

"You are what's wrong.", he pointed at my face.

"Me?", I frowned.

Jungkook nodded before speaking, "You're not like how you always do."

I scoffed at him, "How do I always do?"

"You're always cheerful when I see you in the morning. You'd be the one to greet me first but you're giving me a different vibe today.", he answered.

I gave a nod as he is correct that I gave off a rather dark vibe than how I usually lightens up the mood between us.

"Is there something wrong happened to you yesterday?", he asked, acting concerned about me.

I shook my head before I pulled him back to the elevator, "Just go to your office. Even if there's something, it's none of your business. Don't worry about me."

"What? Are you chasing me away?"

"Yes. Go and stop acting like you're worried. I'm good.", I told him as I pushed him inside the elevator right after it opened.


"Go. Bye.", I told him as I watched the elevator closed again with him sighing inside.

Then, I walked back to where I am supposed to go and sighed in relief as I sat down on my chair. He acted like he cares but I did not want it from him. Not now. Not today. Not when I am actually feeling angry with Eunwoo. He did not know anything about Eunwoo. He only knew that we are really close from the photos he took of us. I never tell him anything about Eunwoo after that and he never asked too.

"Gosh, why do I feel so sad?", I asked as I stared at my computer that is just turned on.

"Just whose voice was it that it bothered me so much...", I could still remember the voice in the background calling Eunwoo sweetly last night.

We had a phone call just because we wanted to talk. Well, I called him because I missed him actually. It has been almost a month since the last time we met. He had been busy with his work and had no time to come down to Seoul.

We were talking happily when I heard a voice calling him in the background. He seemed surprised as he replied to that voice before he asked me to wait. I stayed silent while waiting for him and accidentally heard their conversation.

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