4: Start

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Jeon Jungkook's POV

I was busy checking the progress report for the month when the door was opened without a warning. I looked up and saw Yeri walking confidently in her new red high heels towards me. I smiled as I saw her smiling from ear to ear until she got to my desk.

"Jungkookie, are you still busy?", she asked as she drew a circle on the back of my right hand that was placed on the desk.

I pointed to the files in my left hand. She pouted as she sat on the desk next to my laptop. I knew I was busy all week and had no time to entertain her these days. That was why I gifted her the high heels as an apology. But I knew that was not enough too.

"It's been a week we haven't had lunch together. You said everything's still fine with us but why I feel you are just avoiding me even more?", Yeri asked as she crossed her arms.

I took her hand and kissed the back of it softly while gazing at her gloomy eyes, "I'm sorry. I just got really busy these days, baby."

"No, I don't believe it.", Yeri sulked even more as she looked away from me.

"Yeri...please...trust me, my dad is giving me even more work here and I have to show him that I'm seriously doing my work. You know it too, right?", I talked as I caressed her hand gently. "I have to do this to make him see I'm serious about the company. I don't want to lose it, baby.", I explained.

She turned her head and looked at me again. "I know but...I miss you, okay? You told me we can still have lunch together like we always do but you see it yourself. You're just being busy until you forget your lunchtime.", she said to me as she pulled her hand away from me.

"I feel like...we're nothing anymore, you know?", she added which made me shook my head instantly at her.

I stood up and embraced her in my arms.

"No, baby. Don't say that. We're...still...us. We're not nothing, okay?", I told her before she can push me away. "I love you, Yeri. Now and always.", I added.

"Do you still going to love me when you marry her?", the question made me a bit annoyed.

"Come on, she doesn't even have a place in my heart. I told you how she bumped into me on purpose, right? She's just too similar with all the girls that came to me. She just wanted my money. Do you think I will love her even after I marry her? No way.", I said while rolling my eyes.

We ended the hug as I heard a soft chuckle from her. Then, she hit my chest lightly making me questioned her action.

"You sound like you hate her so much. Can I see how she looks like? Is she ugly? That's why you sounded annoyed to talk about her.", Yeri asked me and I sighed.

"Yeah, she's ugly. You don't want to see how she looks like.", I went back to my chair and got my hands on the files again.

Yeri looked at me as I took a sight at my emails on the computer screen.

"Jungkook, can we have lunch together today?", she asked me while I read an email that was from the subsidiary company which management office is located just one floor below my office. "Jungkookie?", she called me but I ignored her. "Jungkook...", she got my attention as she massaged my shoulders.

"Okay, okay. What is it, babe?", I asked.

Yeri asked me again to have lunch with her but I declined.

"I have to finish checking all these report and only then, I will have lunch. Can you wait for me?", I asked her.

"Hmmm....no, I'm already starving actually. It's fine, then. I'll just go to the cafe alone. Bye, I'll see you later.", I grabbed her hand before she could go further.

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