23: First Love

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Jeon Jungkook's POV

I have to admit that I tried to act like everything is fine after the incident two nights ago. However, the curiosity of whether Chaeyoung remembers it or not bothered my mind. Yesterday I did not bump into her anywhere in the company's building and heard from her father that she took a leave for having a bad hangover.

Today in the morning, we met in the elevator but she just smiled to me which made me reacted the same to her. At lunchtime, I saw her again coming out from the cafe calling my name. I was heading to the elevator to go back to my office but I stopped as she walked towards me with a smile on her face. She looked like how she usually is. She seemed to not be bothered of the incident at all.

"Jungkook, can I ask you something?", she asked after waving goodbye to her colleagues that had lunch with her earlier.

"If it's about that night, no worries. I won't bring it up.", my mouth quickly said that to her.

She frowned a little before nodding, "I just want to ask if your father will come back here anytime soon. He's working in Jeonju now, right?"

I was a bit surprised of her asking about my father but I eventually acknowledged it, "He hasn't been back since the last time we had dinner with him and your dad. Why are you asking about him?"

"Can we...go and see him in Jeonju?", she asked me.


"We'll have a date tomorrow, right? So I was thinking of meeting him and maybe have a lunch or dinner with him while we're there.", she explained.

I put up my hand to tell her to hold up, "So, we're not having a date tomorrow. We'll have a meet up with my dad instead."

She slowly nodded, "You can say it however you want."

"Can we do that some other time?"



"No, cannot. We have to meet him TOMORROW.", she emphasised the last word to me.

I looked at her eyes and they seemed to tell me how serious she is right now.

"Okay, then.", I agreed in the end.


Park Chaeyoung's POV

Right after Jungkook excused himself, I began to talk with his father of the real reason I came to meet him.

"Uncle, I'm sorry to ask you this but may I know when exactly will I get married to Jungkook?", I asked him.

He looked at me like he did not believe what he heard. He smiled before answering my question, "Supposed to be in the end of November, Chaeyoung. Why?"

"Can we bring it forward?", I dared myself to ask him that question.

Once again, he seemed surprised with my question.

"Am I hearing this right? I thought Jungkook said you two are still trying to make the relationship work. He said that about two weeks ago, Chaeyoung.", he replied to me.

I nodded, "Well, our relationship gets better each day so...why not we get married much earlier?"

"Are you serious, my dear? I'm happy to know this but...I don't want you to do this because you're pressured with this relationship. I know you two haven't known each other very long, that's why I give time for you both to know each other better.", Uncle Jeon told me.

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