33: He is...

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Kim Seokjin's POV

My hands were shaking hard while I was calling Uncle Jeon. I hoped that Uncle Jeon will answer his phone. This has been my third try calling him. I have to talk to him about Eunwoo. I cannot believe I found this big information when I decided to dig deeper into this young man's life.

"Come on, uncle. Where are you?", I said before I heard his voice from the other end.

"Hello, Seokjin."

"Uncle!!", I shouted with a little jump before I realized I was in a cafe where there were a few other customers looking at me weirdly. "Uncle...", I lowered my voice to a whispering volume. "When are you coming back here?", I asked him as I cleared my throat to act normal.

Uncle Jeon was heard chuckling before replying me, "Tomorrow. What's wrong?"

"Uncle, you better come back here quickly. You don't know what I found out about Eunwoo.", I said to him.

"What are you talking about, Jin? What else you found about Eunwoo other than what I've told you?", he asked me back.

I looked at the file on the table, "I looked through a lot more about him and you wouldn't believe what I found here."

Uncle Jeon seemed to sigh a little, "I told you not to investigate anything more about him."

I nodded, "I know but...I just have curiosity about him. Can you come back quick? I need to show you my findings, uncle."

Uncle Jeon hummed as if he was thinking.

"I can tell you on the phone right now but I don't want you to be shocked. I have to tell you face-to-face, uncle.", I added.

"I'll try to be back early tomorrow. Then, we talk.", he replied.

"Okay, uncle. That's great. See you tomorrow.", I said before we ended the call.

I put down my phone and looked again at the file in front of me. "Lee Dongmin, the son to Lee Jungkyu. Whoa, Cha Eunwoo. You have really complicated background.", I stared at Eunwoo's name before deciding to leave the cafe.


Cha Eunwoo's POV

"My fiancée.", I sighed as I read the caption written on the photo.

Apparently the business section of every news article has this article published after Jungkook posted a story on his Instagram with Chaeyoung's hand where it can be seen there is a diamond ring on her finger.

Even though he did not tag her in the post, I knew that hand belongs to her.

"She is serious with him.", I smiled a little even though the article made me quite sad to find out about her engagement with him through it.

Park Chaeyoung's POV

"Congratulations?", I read the message Eunwoo sent me.

"What is it for?", I thought as I replied to his message.

Then, he sent another one with a photo this time. I looked at it and even zoomed in to see what photo it is.

"My fiancée? When did he...", I paused when I saw Jungkook's name on the screen. "Huh, how did he know when to call me?", I stood up from my chair before my colleagues got back to our table. I excused myself to answer Jungkook's call and walked to a secluded corner before sliding to answer his call.

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