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We only had two more days in Jamaica before it was time to leave to go home. I didn't want these two days to pass because I knew I would have to go back home and miss Jordan again.

At this point I was counting down the months for miss mamas to get here because I knew that's when next I would see him. Whenever I would be around him in silence I would think about our last falling out and how far we had come since then.

Over and over after that I told him it would take forever for him to make it up to me and want to give him another chance, but that proved futile because I obviously couldn't do without the nigga at all.

Today was one of my sick days. I rarely had them, but when I did, I quite literally couldn't get off the bed. I tried eating but I kept throwing up, so I stuck to drinking water and eating toast and butter. The guys were out today so it was just Mercedes, Kayla, Zara and I all day.

We opted to stay in my room and watch TV. We all started watching The Circle on Netflix because it had been such a big thing on social media, so we decided to check it out.

I shifted for the millionth time to make myself comfortable because this child was doing the most in my belly. "I really wish I could eat a blueberry yoghurt muffin right now but I know better." I said, shutting my eyes and rubbing my stomach.

"Hush girl and drink your water." Zara said, shoving a bottled water in my face.

"Aww pooh I hate seeing you like this." Mercedes pouted looking at me. Its been a couple days since Jordan told me about Mercedes' pregnancy, and something in me hated talking about mine in her presence now. I knew that it hadn't been my fault but I didn't wanna make her uncomfortable or feel any type of way knowing she had a miscarriage.

"Me too. I just want her to get out." I sighed, yelping a lil when I felt a kick in my rib.

"She probably punishing you for last night." Kayla said, looking at me and wagging her eyebrows.

"What happened last night?" I asked, confused.

"You and Jordan was fuckin' like rabbits. You think we don't be hearing y'all hot asses through these walls?"

I busted out laughing, doubling over and forgetting my bump was even there, Mercedes grimaced and Zara started laughing as well.

"That's gross cuz I remember when y'all never used to have sex at all and I was worried. Now I hear y'all across the house and I just--" Mercedes gagged and I tossed a pillow at her.

"It be a couple times a day too with yo pregnant ass." Zara added.

"Ugh, y'all have no idea what that nigga does to me." I said, reminiscing about Jordan and his sex.

"And we don't want to!" Kayla said, covering her ears.

"Y'all aggy." I laughed and shook my head. We settled into the show once again and my phone started ringing. It was a facetime video from my mama, so I got out of bed so I wouldn't disturb the girls and picked up the phone. "Hey mama."

"Hey fat girl." My ma cheesed. She was laying in her bed staring at me like a psycho.

"Why are you starin' at me like that?" I asked her, lifting my dress so that I could pee.

"So what I can't smile at you?"

"You just weird I don't know." I shrugged, "Y'all miss me?"

"We do. Ava said you never called her back and she's mad... I'll go get her in a bit."

"I was busy, my bad. I feel so sick today. This the first time I got out of bed all day." I said to her and she hummed.

"Hm did you eat?"

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