S I X 🌸

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I took the longest shower I've taken in the longest while this morning. For once I can say I woke up in a good mood, honestly.

Plus, I needed something to wake me up since I was on the phone with Jordan until four this morning. He also promised that he'd wake me up in time for school, which is why I'm up now to begin with.

I changed into a black champion brand sweater, dark blue distressed jeans and a pair of white and blue 11s.

I started holding my hair up in its regular bun, and as I did, I got flashbacks of what Jordan told me yesterday. I chuckled and let go of my hair. I sighed heavily and parted it a little in the middle so that it looked even. I combed it a little bit with a wide tooth comb and fluffed it before doing my edges.

"Why not." I mumbled under my breath as I looked myself in the mirror. I snapped a picture and sent it to Jordan with the words "took your advice"

He immediately texted me back.

Jordan: You look good asf. Told you

:Whatever lol I'm finna leave. Later

Jordan: Yeah ma


By the time it was 11:00 I was about ready to go home and sleep. I was so tired from the fact that I was running on about two hours of sleep. I hadn't seen Mercedes this morning but she texted me and told me that she got to school after the first bell rang, and was in class so I'd see her at lunch.

"Hey baby." I mumbled sitting next to her in the cafeteria.

"Damn, hey Becky." She cheesed looking at me with slightly wide eyes. "Since when you out here with your hair out? You look so good! And here I was thinking you had a shit weekend."

"It ended up pretty okay." I said with a shrugged. I hit my hair over my shoulder and started eating my Mac and cheese. "How was yours?" I asked her.

"It was cool I guess. I wanna talk to you about something."

"About what?" I asked looking at her.

"Not now. We'll talk later."

I rolled my eyes and ignored her statement. She knew damn well that my anxiety was crazy. But whatever. We continued talking amongst ourselves for the rest of our lunch hour. The day thankfully seemed to pass by quickly. It wasn't very eventful. After lunch I went to my remaining classes then to Mercedes' house.

"What you had to tell me?" I asked her as soon as I entered her room, flopping on her bed.

"Chill on me, damn. Let me change first." She said while rolling her eyes. I kissed my teeth and scrolled through my phone. "We're moving to Florida. Are you hungry?"

"You said what?" I asked her as I tossed my phone on the bed.

"I said are you hungry?"

"Mercedes this ain't no joke." I said seriously, looking into her eyes. I heard exactly what she said, but I really couldn't believe it honestly. "What did you say?" I asked her again, trying to determine if she was being serious or not.

"My dad got a transfer and he wants us to move with him. My grandmother lives there and so does a huge portion of my family on my dad's side that I've never met, so we're moving." She rambled quickly and I immediately wanted to cry.


"In two weeks." she said, playing with her fingers.

"And how long have you known?" I asked her and she shook her head.

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