F O U R 🌸

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I was at home alone as usual, but I really didn't wanna be cooped up in my room for another night. Mercedes was out with the nigga she had been texting, and of course she was my only friend.

I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was 7:45 PM. I changed into a pair of navy blue and red polo shorts, tossed a jacket on over the top I wore and slipped into my red huaraches. I decided to go for a walk.

I switched the porch lights on and locked the door behind me as I left the house. It was chilly as hell outside, and I didn't understand why. I mean we were in February. Like damn.

I started walking down the street in silence. The only thing audible was the sound of my sneakers hitting the ground, and cars driving in the distance. When I was about to walk past the corner store, a car stopped beside me. I turned to see who it was and the passenger window of the black Toyota Camry winded down.

I had no clue who this was.

Well at least not until I saw the bright ass smile that greeted me as soon as the glass went down.


"Wassup red? Where you headin'?" He asked me, lowering his music.

"I'm walking." I said simply.

I really was not up for any small talk with this boy. I never was honestly.

"In this weather Delilah?" He asked me, just as a raindrop hit my nose. You've got to be fucking with me. "Hop in. Lemme take you to run some errands with da boss." He said smugly and opened the door for me.

At this point, I couldn't even say no. The rain was threatening to royally fuck me up.

I sighed hard and entered the car as he sent the glass back up. Inside the car smelled brand new. It just smelled like leather, and air conditioning... and Invictus.

He drove off without another word as the rain came crashing down. This is bullshit. Absolute bullshit. "Buckle up ma." He said and I did just that.

I would probably freak out about riding in a car with a drug dealer but half of New York just so happened to be drug dealers. You really couldn't escape it.

"You hungry?" He asked me.

"Nope. Where are we going?" I asked looking over the dashboard as we left my neighborhood.

"Told you we finna run some errands." He said with a smirk. "You had somewhere to be?"

"Not really." I said softly and pulled out my phone to scroll through my social media.

"Why you don't ever talk much?"

"Why you talk so much?"

"Come on na' I'm just tryna get to know you." He said and I ignored him. "We gon be in this car for a while ma so you might as well get to know me. Ask me anything." He said to me.

"Boy there ain't nothing." I lied and he nodded.

"Aight. Well can I ask you some things?"

"Depending." I hesitated and he looked over at me with a smile.

"What kinda music you like?" He asked, shocking me because I initially thought he would ask something about my attitude or if I was a virgin.

"I like hip hop... dancehall and some r&b." I admitted and he nodded. "Only from Jeremih though." I added.

"What you know 'bout Jeremih mama?" He asked with a chuckle and I smirked.

"How old you think I am?"

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