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D e l i l a h . M o n t e z 🥀


I heard from Jayden that Jordan flew back in yesterday morning, I knew that's when he was expected to, but I was starting to doubt it seeing that he hasn't come see me just yet.

He hasn't tried contacting me either so maybe he got caught up with something.

He sounded serious as hell over the phone in that voicemail, so I wasn't expecting him to not come over, but whatever.

Ava sat in the corner of the room I was staying in, playing with some legos a s minding her business while I laid on my stomach, facing her direction on my phone.

I heard light murmuring downstairs and what sounded like a man's voice.

Jordan's voice.

I gasped heavily as if I wasn't expecting him. I'm a dumbass. I locked my phone and laid my head onto the pillow, focusing on Ava to make it seem like I didn't notice his ass.

There were two gentle knocks on the door and I spoke up for the person to walk in. Every time I saw Jordan for the first time in a minute, I was always taken the fuck aback by how good he looks.

He was dressed in a maroon coloured Nike sweatsuit with white air force 1s. His hair looked crisp like he just got marked by Jesus two seconds ago.

The only visible tattoos on his skin were the ones on his neck, and the scent of his Issey Miyaki cologne attacked my nostrils, not leaving behind the faint smell of weed that his stoner was always had.

But anyway, I acted like I ain't cared.

"Wassup lil Ava?" He asked, walking in the direction of my little sister and picking her up. She laughed and cheesed, hugging him tightly around his head as they carried on a short conversation in gibberish.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight. He was so good with kids, I wondered if Chanel's kid would be his.

He whispered something in her ear and rested her down. As soon as she hit the floor, she came running toward me. She held her index finger up to her lips and came to whisper in my ear, "Jordan said he loves you." She said to me, but in her broken baby talk of course.

I laughed and kissed her cheek. "Go play with Angelo a little yeah? I'll come get you in a minute." She rolled her eyes before grabbing her toys and leaving the room. I Iaughed at her hot little self and laid back on the bed, making room for Jordan.

He didn't take his eyes off me as he tossed himself onto the bed. I wanted to ask him what the hell he was looking at, but decided on rolling my eyes instead.

"What you rollin' them big ass eyes for?" He asked me. "Bring that ass here."

J o r d a n . H a r r i s 👑

"Bring that ass here." I said to her, leaning against the headboard of the bed as I laid there. She gave me a stank face and kissed her teeth.

That wasn't the intended approach, I actually wanted to be serious, but she looked and smelled so damn good. She was clad in a pair of cotton shorts and an oversized jersey.

Her hair was all over her head and her skin was flawlessly smooth and I just wanted to kiss her.

"That's not how you start up a conversation after getting another bitch pregnant." She retorted smartly. She adjusted her position on the bed to where she now sat obletely opposite to me. I was at the head of the bed whereas she was at the foot.

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