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J o r d a n . H a r r i s 👑

After dropping Delilah off at my house to sleep over, I headed to my mama's house. She needed me to help her out with some things around the house, and while I was there I planned on taking my brother to stay with me for the week.

I knocked a couple times on the front door of the house, seeing that I didn't walk with the keys. Within a couple seconds my tall, lanky, light skinned younger brother opened the door.

"Wassup?" Jayden greeted me, not paying me that much mind seeing that he had been on a call.

"Sup with you? You got ya shit packed?" I asked and he nodded, moving aside for me to enter the house.

I walked further in and saw that my mama was seated in the living room watching TV. "Hey ma." I cheesed leaving a couple kisses on her cheek.

"Hey baby. Finally. I haven't seen you in forever I thought you forgot about ya mommy." She whined, staring at me as I sat on the couch further away from her.

"You know I be busy girl."

"Busy chasing them dusty ass fast ass females and selling drugs?" She asked smartly and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You wrong about everything you just said. You know I got niggas selling drugs for me mama. Plus I got a girl now."

She kissed her teeth and waved me off, "What girl you got? Stop lyin'."

"I'm forreal!" I smiled. "Why you don't believe me?"

"Cuz last time you told me the only girl you want to settle down with in underage, and I know you got mo' sense than that."

"No I don't ma." I mumbled and Jayden bust out laughing while my mom's just mean mugged me. "Nah but I'm serious, that's my girl now."

"Jordan Harris how old that little girl is?"

"Bout to be eighteen mama." I said annoyed. "But she mature, and smart as hell too. She's bout to start school at NYU next semester."

"Four years difference?" She asked me with wide eyes.

"What's four years mama?" Jayden asked and she looked between both of us.

"Jayden you're older than her by a year!" She said in disbelief. I began cracking up at her tone of voice.

"You need to chill girl. Delilah might be young in age but she's grown." I said, standing up and walking into the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Well when can I meet her?"

"When she's ready." I mumbled and re-entered the living room with a bottle of water. "What you needed again?"

"You gotta fix the bathroom sink and take my car to the mechanic." I nodded and sat down to converse with them for a while longer. Eventually I got up and walked into the bathroom to fix the sink like she had asked.

Within an hour I was done, and headed back downstairs. Mama was no longer in the living room, Jayden say there on his phone with a puma duffel bag on the floor next to him.

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