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3 weeks later


D e l i l a h . M o n t e z 🥀

I wasn't really impressed when Jordan told me he thought I should call my school and request online classes instead of physically going in everyday. I insisted that I was fine, but after thinking about it, discussing it further, and Jordan demanding that I listen to his overprotective ass- I listened.

In the past three weeks so much as happened. Although I would be turning eighteen in a few months, I still had no legal guardian which as everybody knows is a problem. My aunt Dawn filed for and was approved as my legal guardian, and with her permission I moved into the guest house of Jordan's home.

Although we had already spent dozens of nights together in the same bed, I still wanted to give him his space and also be mindful of the fact that we've only known each other for all of three months.

The guest house might as well be a residence in itself. It was perfect, equally small and comfy.

Jordan and I still saw each other as often as we did when I stayed over there, the only difference really is that we sleep separately for the most part

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Jordan and I still saw each other as often as we did when I stayed over there, the only difference really is that we sleep separately for the most part. He comes in here every time he's about to leave home to let me know he'd be out for a bit.

Everyday his mama would cook meals and send them over with Jayden if I wasn't at the house at the moment. I really did like it.

Jordan loaned me his laptop since he barely had use for it, and that's where I got my notes and submitted my assignments for school. When I was finished with my work for the day, I decided to go see what Jordan was up to. He hasn't come see me all day, so he has to be home. I was also hoping he wanted to go eat something because I'd been craving seafood all week.

I took a quick shower and dressed into a plain white t shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans and my 1s. I tossed my hair into a neat bun and put a bit of lipgloss on, throwing on my red fluffy sweater to complete my look. Once I was satisfied, I picked up the black iPhone 8+ that Jordan bought me, as well as my purse and started leaving.

I bumped into something y'all and hard the minute I stepped out of the door. "My fault baby." Jordan apologized, putting his phone in his pocket.

This nigga always looked good. Gosh.

He wore a plain black polo with army green distressed jeans, and a pair of black timberlands. Wow. That's my man.

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